Across a Blue and Gray High-Rise Building

It was another gloomy afternoon when I decided to run some errands in the city. I was a bit lazy to go out since the weather was tempting me to stay home and watch movies instead. But I got no choice because I had an appointment to mind and I need to follow it. So, I stepped my feet out of my place and headed to the city.

That day was very good for me because I was able to finish my task early. Setting appointments ahead of time and following the schedule was very helpful. So I took my extra time spending it by roaming around the building. It was located in one of the business parks here in the city, so high-rise buildings were expected in the surroundings. I just kept my pace, enjoying the view, took out my smartphone, and made some shots. Yes, I love taking random photos. And I am grateful for the technology nowadays where we can take good quality photos using our smartphones. I did not go further, instead, I stayed nearby the building where I had my appointment earlier. A good thing that only a few people were walking since it was in the middle of the afternoon. I just looked around and explore. While looking at the view above, I was amazed by what I saw.

The building has a blue and gray theme when it comes to its physical appearance, from the color of the paint of the walls and to the color applied to the braced frames, not to mention the architectural glass being used. And looking to it upward from the bottom at where I stood, it was magnificent. It complements the color of the sky that day. And hey, the colors that I mentioned are one of my favorite colors. So I was delighted by the view. For me, it was perfect. I was not even minding how long I'd been staring upward while holding my phone in my hand. The trees in the surroundings also added the beautiful ambiance outside because even the area was full of high-rise buildings, the open spaces for parks are enough to balance the strong atmosphere from those tall structures.

I moved to the area where I could sit while continue looking at the view. It was just a few meters from the entrance of the building. This time, I situated myself across from it while eating the burger that I bought earlier before heading to my appointment. It was enough for me to feed my tummy, at the same time, observing the people going in and out. If I remember, I counted the floors at that moment, but I couldn't remember the exact numbers. I just kept my eyes staring at the structure in front of me. I am not an architect, nor an engineer. I am just a simple photography enthusiast who got amazed by the shots that I took in the building, that's why I kept looking at it.

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