Designs of the environment in the Galle Anagarika Dharmapala Park...


Hello my fellow Architecture+Design lovers,

What's up guys? I believe you are doing well. On Sunday last week, I, my wife and daughter went to Anagarika Dharmapala Park located in Galle, the capital city of Southern Province, with the intention of spending a relaxing weekend. I posted about my daughter's activities etc. and the park as travel content. I hope to explain in this content about the diversified ecological features of this park built in a natural ecosystem. In fact, it must be mentioned that Anagarika Dharmapala Park is a separate place for those who enjoy freedom and those who seek fun.


After entering the park we can see a strip of interlocking walkways to move to a desired location. It is more convenient for walking visitors. Therefore, the protection of the green plants planted outside is also provided. Due to the fact that there are trees planted everywhere, you can walk under the shade without the sun.



The area for outdoor sports activities for small children is arranged in an open area. It is important to have concrete benches made nearby to take care of children's safety. Separate facilities for children have been installed here for team games as well as games that can be played alone. Because of the sea sand, it is suitable for children's comfort as well as safety.


Large trees that have been growing for a long time can also be seen in Anagarika Dharmapala Park. These trees add more value to the environment because of their large trees, and proper care is taken by the governing body, the Galle Municipal Council. It is rare to see such large trees in an urban park because trees are being cut down for urban development.


In 2004, the Galle Anagarika Dharmapala Park was completely destroyed by the Tsunami waves, but the large trees that were there at that time were not destroyed. Since it was a holiday, there must have been many lovers in this park. The lives of many of their young lovers may have ended. A memorial has recently been erected in the park to remember those who died.


Anagarika Dharmapala Park's environmental features are unique because of the green concepts adopted there. Ornamental plants have been planted here and they have been trimmed to a proper shape and added decoration.



A stall has been set up for rearing fish in the Dharmapala Park of Galle Command. You can also see how it is attractively made of granite. It is a type of environmentally friendly fiber sheets used for roofing. An iron fence has been set up outside to prevent entry to the fish stalls. The entire layout is similar to the Galle Dutch Fort to recall the Dutch architecture.



You can visit these fish houses from another side at Anagarika Dharmapala Park. The steps leading up to the place are made entirely of black stone. These stairs are very strong as they are completely made of black stone. The steps have been created by laying these black stones on a layer of sand and cement.


The ecological concept adopted in Galle Anarika Dharmapala Park is very excellent. Many palm trees running in a continuous row can be seen here. It is a very attractive place. The green environment brings great inspiration to the mind. This commandant Dharmapala Park is a unique place for entertainment as well as relaxation with the beloved members of the family.


A small pond made using black stone, sand and cement mortar can be seen here. It is unique in that it is arranged in a circle. And there is not much depth here. Many different types of fish were seen in this pond. In the middle of the pond, another circular sprinkler has been arranged to raise the water. Such elements are very important to provide entertainment for small children.



I got to see that an underground drain system has been prepared in Anagarika Dharmapala Park for the flow of excess water during heavy rains. It really is a must for a city park.



Anagarika Dharmapala Park, located in the center of Galle city, is spread over a wide area. Relaxation spots are found almost everywhere here, and they also have various outdoor play facilities. I saw that several places have been reserved here to provide toilet facilities for the guests. It is more hygienic convenience for every guest who comes here.



Some places in the walking hall, made of interlocking stones, were arranged in a circular shape and provided the necessary facilities for walking in different directions. This can be mentioned as a really unique architectural feature. When the three of us walked further, we saw another small pond created by creating unique shapes. No fish were seen here. It doesn't have much depth. But towards the center, a decoration has been added using Tiruvana stones.




At the end of our journey, we came across a building with a unique shape that we saw in Galle Anagarika Dharmapala Park. Its structure is designed in a circular shape. Of course there is no upper roof, and the slab zone is open. Also, some decorative vines have been grown in the slab area and added to the attraction in the way that it hangs down.






@madushanka (2).gif

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