A special place in your house.

A special place in your house.

The bathroom is the most busy and used environment, it is not for less that at the end of the budget it is the most expensive in the whole house, because unlike other spaces it has toilets, taps, accessories, coatings, drains, black water pipe and , and all this obviously is enormously expensive, but if you can make a cheap gray bathroom having logical foundations and common sense.

You have to be careful and cautious in two main points, the first in the pipes, drains and all the bathroom pipes, everything that is embedded in the wall or embedded under the floor has to be of the highest quality, you do not have to pay attention In expenses in this case, it is unthinkable that you make an investment of that type so that after a while, I say it from experience, a loss occurs and ruins all the work and all the investment.

In the same way, it is not advisable to save too much on the size of the bathroom, I am not inviting you to make a bathroom the size of a room, the issue is that if you have the space, take advantage of it and do not minimize this factor, because in the end several things will give you It can get in the way, the truth is that in that sense it is not worth compressing the space, it is a bad saving strategy that I invite you to omit it and that the bathroom is really a good size.

As for the sanitary pieces, they are the appliances that we use in any bathroom, the sink or sink, the bidet, the toilet or sanitary cup or sanitary glass depends on what you call it in your country, all these appliances are generally built of the same of Sanitary or ceramic slab, they are normally white and in short they are made for the same, the price difference is due to fashion, to the sanitary factories, manufacturers should generate as a need to always be up to the latest trend , then they need your bathroom to look old after a few years and create the need to buy new models.

Obviously new models that are much more expensive than the old ones, really this cost difference does not have to do with the quality of the material, or with the use, there are really very good offers and it is worth visiting because in this type in this type of tips you will find the possibility of making very important savings of money.

Regarding the coating of the walls, here are two data that must be taken into account that are very important, there are ceramics or porcelain tiles that are worth three times more than others and this does not necessarily mean that they are three times better, eyes with this you have to keep be very careful, in fact many times you are paying for fashion or trend, there is no direct relationship in proportion between the huge difference in prices between one and the other and on the other hand there is another question it is not mandatory to cover all the walls, no It is necessary, for example, what can be done is to choose a coating up to 1 meter high and the rest paint it with some paint, an easy to maintain washable latex, what I do or if I recommend is to coat the shower area or of the bathtub because obviously we are talking about a very different use is subject to the blow, in a bathroom this technique could save you up to 10 meters of coating with what this implies in the costs of Materials and labor.

Another very important case is the use of second-selection ceramics, you may have heard this term named, when we speak of second-selection ceramics we speak of second-selection ceramics or second-selection porcelain tiles, this means that they are ceramics when they pass the technical review of an operator, those that have some slight imperfection, some bubbles, some cracks are separated, something that really does not influence too much in the final appearance but that automatically goes to a quality of second as it is called and has a very price very inferior to the first quality ceramic which is a very good option to consider because the final finish does not influence too much. practically if nobody tells you that it is a second selection, you will not notice it and the savings are very, very important.

As for the sinks or sinks, the marked difference is based on the enormous difference in costs between one and the other, it is worth thinking about a slightly healthier and cheaper option, it is to get a little more creative and try to seek inspiration in the market. in the images of the web pages to arrive at solutions much more pleasant, of character and infinitely cheaper.

The market offers you a huge amount, for example, of floating wooden countertops, antique, recycled furniture, patinated drawers, old tables without covers, recycled wooden pallets, in that sense I think there is a very important opportunity to define in the washbasin area the moment to create, for character to the bathroom, but above all to save a lot of money, and we will always have that possibility of saying look in the furniture the laundry area that I assemble by recycling such current furniture I insist, it is a good opportunity for creativity with savings.

I think there is a real social pressure for us to spend everything we have in the bathroom plus what we don't have so that the bathroom at first may seem presentable or have the latest design trend, I think that it really is not like that to me. that the ideal bathroom is one that we can build but with the budget that we have.

I hope the information is useful when making a decision, do not forget to support me and we will read next time, bye.

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