European style, this Mosque is different from most mosques here & still beautiful


Some time ago, I visited a tourist spot in the hills, according to the news, there were already several new tourist attractions like Bukit Bintang House, Date Garden, and Waroeng Sangkar. I once greeted you from Bukit Bintang in my first post when giving my hive introduction here. There, I saw a lot of new building forms that looked different from the customs and culture buildings in Aceh. Like this mosque building, which is generally different from the shape of the mosques built in Aceh. This mosque does not yet have a name and is still in the stage of completion and located in Aceh Besar here.


You must know that the Mosques in Aceh from time to time continue to develop in terms of architecture and this is very natural because it is a manifestation of the cultural process in an area. The more the development of the architecture, the higher the reflection of the development of social dynamics. It must be admitted that in Aceh, mosques have an important role in people's lives here. In addition to being a place of worship, mosques are often places of scientific transformation.


In its development, mosques in Aceh were generally influenced by Mughal architecture from India. We can see this from the fixed form, namely the presence of a gate, using a domed roof with the shape of an onion, having a tower, terrace, and rectangular plan and there is calligraphy. Unlike the mosque in my post, the similarities are only in the presence of a gate, while the roof and dome are no longer similar to most other mosques. But the beauty is still there. Does this indicate a cultural shift in Aceh?


It seems too early to be able to draw conclusions, but the important thing is that the attractiveness of this building is very high and many have documented the building of this mosque even though it has not been officially opened. In my opinion, the European style is the hallmark of this building, because I often see European buildings on television and on several websites.

The color combination is also very far from the general color of mosques in Aceh. Luxurious colors are no longer dominant here, but white is the dominant color and is combined with colors that are rarely used here, such as gray. Well, the lack of color patterns here does not immediately make this mosque unattractive, but simply, this mosque displays the beauty of a firm shape so that it is no longer focused on color.

You can pay attention to some of the iconic mosques in Aceh below and compare it.

1. Baiturrahman Mosque in Banda Aceh

2. Baitul Makmur Grand Mosque in Aceh Barat

3. Harun Keuchik Leumik Mosque in Banda Aceh

Can you see the very striking comparisons and differences from the mosques in my post, right? So, in conclusion, the beauty of this mosque does not look at what culture and where it comes from, but in fact, beauty will still be beautiful in the view of anyone and everyone has the right to declare that beauty.


Likewise, the influence of architecture can not always change the culture of a society, but this development occurs because of technological advances. Advances in technology and economic capabilities make people compete to display symbols of beauty such as this European-style mosque. Hopefully, in the future, there will be more beautiful architectural references in Aceh.


Thank you good people for stopping by my blog, I hope for some corrections from you for being good in the future, please feel free to comment below, so I can and always give an #originalcontent in my post for the #hive #community. Let's join in Architecture+Design Community. God Bless us

My warmest regard: @elchaleefatoe15
Camera Resource: Canon 800D

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