Paseo de la Reforma Avenue and more: urban spots in Mexico city (Mexico V)

Hello archi lovers!

Once again we discover cities of the world and we look at everything we see, we look around us to discover nice architecture and fascinating designs in buildings, monuments, facades and also many more details of interesting and relevant urban spaces visited by many people, including us.

And again we look back at Mexico City, the capital of the country, to see other points of interest that we see as we walk through its streets. And for important streets, the most iconic is Paseo de la Reforma Avenue, one of the longest in the world and that's where we start.

Paseo de la Reforma Avenue

A large avenue, imposing and long, very long, we do not go through it completely because we cannot see the end but in its central sections congested by traffic everything seems to flow suddenly, and suddenly we also discover details that seem to take us to a European city .

Its roundabouts are all adorned by impressive monuments, beautiful golden statues that look like they have flown directly from Paris, royal fountain crowned with the goddess Diana the huntress (it caught my attention) and other statues of indigenous inspiration. All of them, in any case, works of art inspired by other times with the intention of turning that vital artery into a place worthy of a walk, but be careful with the traffic.

And they also have something in common: the background and environment. Because if we look around, other buildings appear behind but they contrast due to their different design, modern architecture of glass, straight lines and edges.

But the modern atmosphere continues if we continue walking, as we find many shops and fancy restaurants, I noticed one in particular because it reminded me of my country (L'Albufera is a lagoon near Valencia, in Spain) so it will be a restaurant of Spanish gastronomy. Good.

But without a doubt, nothing stands out more than an iconic figure with a strident and cheerful color: "the little horse" (el Caballito). That welcomes us to one of those complexes and office buildings and a lot of movement. On another gray and dark day, the color yellow and that powerful design gives us light and energy.

And we look further… when does it end?

Some parks

But we can go to other places. Because further away there are also parks and quieter places with more vegetation than another large flag of Mexico appears so that we don't forget where we are. But we cannot forget if we visit a special place.

Frida Kahlo House

If we go very far south, I think, in addition to canals and boats, we can go to an iconic place par excellence. Who doesn't know Frida Kahlo? We visited her house, her spectacular blue house, with a beautiful open patio, inside some old photos hanging like in a museum, but what we like most is the life and the intense color. An unmissable visit.

Bar Tenempa

There isn't much left to visit this city, so at the end of the day let's visit an emblematic place to have a little of that famous tequila in the very popular Tenempa bar again in a central area, and which has a beautiful classic decoration as nineteenth-century and in turn also its own style, colorful and from the land, in a fun fusion. And how could it be otherwise, a place full of mariachis singing those rancheras that we all hum once. Viva México.

Now we will have to visit some other interesting place and then a very important area outside the city, all that soon...

Ciudad de México, Mexico ❤️ America

Thanks so much for reading! Have an amazing and nice day.

More about Mexico:

The text is totally mine and the photos too, by ©Duvinca


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