Florence: the Italian charm of the beautiful architecture (I)

Hello archi lovers!

There are inspiring places, that just by hearing their name evoke special sensations of beauty and harmony. Because architecture is more than something functional, it is art and art elevates the soul.

This is what happens when walking through the magnificent Italian city of Florence, an elegant and nice city, like so many in this marvelous country, but with a unique essence. And that essence is the perfect beauty of everything that is shown to us, it elevates our soul and even as it happened to Stendhal it drove him crazy, going crazy and sick from so much beauty, the famous Stendhal syndrome that arose here, let's see the beautiful Firenze.

Ponte Vecchio

One of the most romantic and spectacular places, the heart of the city is the Arno River that runs through it and splits in two. And it is joined through various old bridges, but one of them takes center stage due to its design, structure and history.

Few bridges have more character and presence, a functional medieval urban structure that became an icon and something unmatched that gives the city a touch that can be experienced nowhere else. So many lives crossing from one side to the other, for years and centuries, so many changes and situations while despite everything, the Ponte Vecchio remains solidly over the river, watching over the city on both sides and forming part of the lives of Florentines for centuries. and those of us who are fortunate enough to cross it.

A bridge that centuries ago concentrated the city's butchers, but due to the unpleasant smell they decided that those positions would be occupied by other artisans, many jewelers, and there are still the jewelry stores, and the wonderful charm of a unique place to visit that will take us to the other part of the city.

Palazzo Pitti

On the other side of the river, there is more city, more architecture, more art and more beauty. A great palace with a lot of history, from the famous Medici family and much more that we quickly visited.

Fontana del Porcellino

There is another small square, very emblematic, where you can buy various handmade items. In this area, leather objects are very good and appreciated. And among many things in the open-air market, a fountain loved by citizens and visitors.

The wild boar fountain that we must approach and, as tradition dictates, caress its snout, to see if it gives us good luck and we return to this fantastic city again.

Sculptures, streets and façades

And there is always more, more to see and contemplate, and not only in museums, there are statues and fountains with impressive sculptures.
In the Piazza della Signoria, a very nice square to visit, we see Michelangelo's David (but it is not the original, which is in a museum, even so this replica attracts a lot of attention, the harmonious and proportioned Renaissance beauty in an image. And the Fountain of Neptune rivals to stand out among so much art to see in one place.

Afterwards we simply strolled through the streets with serenity and harmony, enjoying each facade, corner and corner where we always found more beautiful details, from different periods and styles, including the street lamps. And we also see shops and restaurant terraces, all with a calm and somewhat bucolic, but wonderful air.

We say goodbye to the classic Italian charm of Florence, in its ancient, historic, decorated, elegant streets with perfect and beautiful architecture. An inspiring trip and a fantastic experience, on a fantastic Vespa...

Florence, Italy🇮🇹❤️ Europe

Thanks for reading! Have a charming and beautiful day.

The text is totally mine and the photos too, by ©Duvinca and the banners are created by me using Canva.com - NO AI-

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