The Museum of the University Library

A slightly different and unusual project:
This is the Museum of the University Library "Sv. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola, which my colleague and I designed and led the execution of works.
Around the 1970s, the library moved to the building that was previously the Surgical Department of the Hospital. A new modern hospital was built and this historic building was empty for some time.
Later, a new building was added to the Library, which is connected to the old one. That is why the Library has several entrances and this entrance and the large hall have not been used for a long time.
Old books, photographs, furniture, and accessories should have been exhibited to be seen instead of being in a dusty basement.



Showcases and shelves are made of decorated particleboards and upholstery on the inside with dark red velvet(a trace of the past) and they are all with LED light.
Decorated particleboards and MDF - Medium-density fiberboards are the materials most commonly used here for furniture. Although I prefer plywood, it is very difficult to find, and even more difficult to find a carpenter who works with plywood. It is easier to cut the finished boards, to measure and edge them. Made from multiple layers of wood veneer, plywood is a stronger material and it won't soak so much liquids as MDF or particleboard. But everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Decorated particleboard doesn't have to be painted, it is easier to maintain and clean and is cheaper.

In two separate enclosures with tempered glass are a small office and a printing and binding machine.
Why tempered glass? It is more expensive than other standard glass types and this was the most expensive item of the project. Because tempered glass is stronger and safer than regular glass. It is less likely to be broken and if it does break ... it will fracture into small rounded pieces.

Old press printing machine.


Old furniture: Chairs, desk, an old typewriter, old telephone, hanger, an element with drawers for membership cards, books, stamps, membership registration book...
I have to admit that it was interesting to see all those old items.

We even found and exhibited an old inscription: "Please be quiet"






It cannot be seen in the photos, because they are taken during the day, but all parts are well lit, each for itself.
The floor had to stay as it was because it is like that in an old building, and money shortages. The colours are mostly neutral except for the walls behind the shelves, which are yellow. On the walls are old photographs, diplomas and various awards that the library received.
Since the completion of this project, many groups of school children have visited the new Museum. Many don’t know it exists yet but it’s a problem that’s not mine.
When I was holding a photography workshop in the library, I took the group there to take photos. The children were delighted with the old books and objects they saw for the first time.

Camera: Canon EOS 1000D
Lens: EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS

Some people use words, others use light to say what they feel.

Photos by @desro - ©RominaM*

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