Stunning Toilet To Use With Nature Concept


If you have been following my blog for a long time, you will often see me exploring toilets that have unique designs.

When traveling to a new place, of course there are many things that attract attention. Especially for toilets.

This time I found a toilet with an amazing concept! The design is worthy of appreciation. Not just showing a good view. Those spaces are conceptualized in such a way as to produce natural vibes. By using amazing natural materials.

The toilet design concept is of course adapted to the overall concept of the cafe, "Kalang Ulu Cafe". In my opinion, this cafe already has many striking advantages to support their design. The location of the building is in the Mount Sibayak area, which allows them to adapt the natural design for their building, especially the toilets.

I'm amazed how they managed to create an elegant impression with natural vibes. It's not easy. If it was just about nature, then it would be easy. So, they use a lot of modern ornaments but are made from natural materials from nature to maintain a minimalist and natural impression in concept.

This cafe has a very strong minimalist impression by maintaining the authenticity of various material surfaces. Like walls that use unfinished walls, just using white cement. Then, there are toilet room doors which display the original texture of tree wood. I think it's amazing how they maintain the original texture of various materials. Luckily, the designs fit perfectly with the whole design.

Meanwhile, the inside of each room does not use high walls. Enough for your height but not too much. This function also supports toilet users to be able to see more good views. A view that is a shame to miss because it is so beautiful. So, even though we are on the toilet, maybe while looking in the mirror we can also enjoy the natural beauty around us.

The design of the toilet room like this is also a natural ventilator so that the toilet does not smell bad, and toilet users can feel that the room is more spacious even though the space between the toilets is not actually that wide. That's a design game that can maximize many functions at once.

This toilet is in a cafe which has a semi-outdoor natural view concept around the mountain area. So, this was truly a memorable experience and worth sharing with you guys.

We will see a lot of use of the original texture of these materials. Like wood that still has the surface texture of an amazing tree. Also the big river stones which still maintain their original shape. How is that possible?!


So, enjoy the video and let's travel virtually around the stunning toilet!

Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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