Neighborhood Etiquette, Love Is The Way Out

Neighborhood Etiquette, Love Is The Way Out

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Living in peace and harmony with people is one of the difficult things to do, we are wired differently, and every one is unique in his or her own way. Everyone has a way of doing things, what is appealing to one person may be considered wrong to another person.

I don't know if I am the only one who sometimes wishes to have a separate world to live alone and away from people. Humans are complicated.

But we can't avoid them. In fact, life can never be complete if it were just one person living. Imagine how things will be stuck in one place, imagine how boring life would be. All the development we see around would not have been here.

People are an integral part of life, they might be annoying but life is not life if people are not around, therefore we need to find a way to live with them in peace and enjoy the company of each other.

No matter how difficult a person is, I believe that we can find a means to live with them and end well. When we understand ourselves, respect each other's boundaries, and play our roles as expected without being selfish or biased, we won't have any issues with those around us.

Thank God for rules and regulations, every community has rules to help keep its citizens to live well. To date, I have never come across any rule or law that preaches evil.

But to obey them is where the problem always lies. For a long, a way was sought to ensure that people live well in society in harmony, that is why rules and laws were made. Those who broke them were penalized to scare others from doing likewise yet, it still hasn't solved the problem. That harmony sometimes doesn't always find its place.

Aside from rules, all of us except for children probably know the right thing to do, no one will tell me that he or she is ignorant of what is good and evil. We all know them.

Over the years people personally set rules, and principles to be able to cope with others in society but along the line, it ends up not yielding the expected results.

To live well with those around us we don't need only Dos and don'ts, rules and regulations are very potent and excellent but alone they won't help us live well in society with others.

What we need is love, when we love each other, when we love the person next door as we love ourselves, we don't need rules to know our boundaries, we don't need rules to support them, and we don't need rules to check up on them and to exchange nice gesture when we come across each other.

We would treat them just as we treat ourselves. The rule and the law of love are what we need in every neighborhood to live as we ought to. Love is the solution to most of the problems we face in the world. When we attach love to rules and laws, it will work more perfectly.

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