Montaña Bocinegro (2024.02.01)

Montaña Bocinegro is a 36 m high hill/volcano. Today I visited it for the first time. There is a geodesic point on the top of it, and there is a world war II bunker too on it. The Búnker Montaña Bocinegro. Probably snipers used it in that time. Nowadays it is a tourist attraction. It is closed, so it is not possible to go into it, only to see it from outside.

The bunker on the hill/volcano.

The mountain in the background is the Montaña Roja, which is 599 meters high. I climbed it twice so far.

The geodesic point on the top of the hill/volcano.

Similarly to the Montaña Roja, there is a risk of falling from a height sign on the top of the Montaña Bocinegro too.

The path to the Montaña Bocinegro. There are information (direction) signs on it.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

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