Health Journey - Turning pain into purpose

Dealing with a chronic illness and having bad days can be really tough. Sometimes it feels like there's no light at the end of the tunnel, and it's easy to get stuck thinking about all the bad things. But I've learned that even on the darkest days, there's still a glimmer of hope.
Finding positivity in life again is hard, but it's not impossible. For me, it's all about focusing on the little things that bring me joy. Whether it's spending time with loved ones, going for a walk in nature, or even just enjoying a good book, these small moments of happiness can make a big difference.
Being strong doesn't mean ignoring the bad things, it means facing them head-on and not letting them control you. It's okay to have bad days, but it's important not to dwell on them. Instead, I try to focus on the things that I can control and find ways to make the best of every situation.

Finding light in the darkness can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Sometimes all it takes is a kind word from a friend or a smile from a stranger to remind me that there is still good in the world. And no matter how hard things get, I try to hold on to that light and let it guide me through the tough times.


So even though I may be going through a lot, I try to find happiness in the little things and hold on to the hope that tomorrow will be a better day. Because no matter what life throws my way, I know that as long as I keep looking for the light, I can find happiness even in the darkest of times.

Mental health is something that's really important to me, especially because I've seen how much it can affect people's lives, including my own. To me, mental health is all about how we think, feel, and act as we go through life. It's about how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
For a long time, I didn't really understand what mental health was or why it was so important. But then I started struggling with my own mental health, and everything changed. I realized that mental health is just as important as physical health, and that taking care of my mind is just as important as taking care of my body.
For me, mental health is about finding balance in my life, learning how to cope with stress and adversity, and seeking help when I need it. It's about being kind to myself, practicing self-care, and reaching out to others when I need support.
I've learned that mental health is not just about avoiding problems or trying to be happy all the time. It's about living authentically, facing challenges head-on, and finding meaning and purpose in life, even when things get tough. And most importantly, it's about knowing that it's okay to not be okay, and that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

This year has been really tough for me. I lost two friends to suicide, and it's been incredibly hard to come to terms with.
When I think about my two friends, I can't help but wonder why they felt so alone, why they didn't reach out for help, and why they thought that suicide was the only way out. But more than anything, losing my friends has made me realize just how important it is to talk about mental health and to reach out for help when we need it. Nobody deserves to feel alone, and nobody should have to suffer in silence. And even though life can be really hard sometimes, it's also full of beauty and joy.

No matter what you're going through, there is still so much to live for. There are still sunsets to see, laughter to share, and dreams to chase. Life can be tough, but it can also be incredibly beautiful. And no matter how dark things may seem, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.


“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” - Leonard Cohen

With love, @tinabrezpike ❤️

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