Spending some time in a beautiful environment..


how are you all Hope everyone is doing very well. I am also very well with the blessings of God.

I welcome you all to a new blog today. I will share some things about spending some time in a beautiful environment in my blog today.

About a week ago, I and my grandfather went to a place in Nilganj.

The name of that place in Nilganj is Belbarari. Here is a big bill. I visit there several times a year whenever I have a spare moment between work. A very beautiful environment is available there. Moreover, it takes a different peace inside the mind if you can spend some time there. This bill also has a name, the name is Warti Bill.

I told you in the blog of the last episode about traveling the vorti bill that this bill covers a lot of space. Although this bill is roughly reviewed, it takes a lot of time. I visited this bill that day and spent some time in one section and the rest in another section. I told you about spending time in the first part in the last episode. Today I will share some things about the second part where you had a good time. My main objective that day was to understand the nature around from different places. After spending some time in the first part I liked it even more when I went to the other part. After arriving there, I saw the scene of burning fire on the side of the road.

Some of the local farmers had lit the fire with straw. After seeing this scene, I was reminded of building a fire in winter. In many winters, the scene of setting fire in the village is often seen. Anyway, since the sun was about to set, it was a little chilly. Nature was seen in a different form at that time. Another reason to like it more after going there is that the place is a bit elevated in nature. As it was a little higher place, it was better to see the distant nature from there. After climbing up the road I spoke to a man there. That man was a farmer there. I can learn many details from him.

The man asked us to board his boat. There was a small canal-like area with a small amount of water. In a place where boating can be done in any way, but we do not agree to boating in this way because if there is not much water, there is no fun in boating. Then there is a lot of talk with that person about other things. How much space does he have here, what is the price of the space in this bill, what kind of income do the farmers here have on a daily basis, etc. It was nice to talk to the farmer. Honestly speaking, these ordinary people are very good in terms of mentality.

While chatting with the farmer, I bought tea and chips from a small tea shop next to the road. Before going to buy tea and chips I asked the farmer for tea but he told me he doesn't drink tea. So didn't order any more tea for him but shared the chips I brought with the farmer. I was charmed by the farmer's egoless smile while talking.

I was enjoying the view of the sunset while chatting with the guy. In the course of talking, the farmer told me that he would take a boat and tour the entire bill when he came here during the monsoons. So he gave me his phone number. They usually do these boat trips for money but he told me he will give me a boat trip for much less next time I go there. I was very pleased to see such sincerity of a stranger. Had a great time chatting with that guy there. Anyway after spending a lot of time there I left for home again. It was a bit too cold on arrival as the nature of the village is a bit too cold in the winter evenings. Anyway, I drove the scooty and came home a little after evening.

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