A Day In Young Spring

Alarm was ringing and consciously i was snoozing it. I didn't want to go university. But, I boosted my energy to walk towards my academic area.

Spring was walking alongside

Beauty is getting fresh look. Worn out, old and barren shoots are getting life for another time.

Yellow flowers are becoming youthful. I am standing by them and touching them to feel the spring.

Still, many trees are without green leaves and they are standing barren. Hope is keeping them alive. But, my focus was not on these trees rather i was busy in talking to my friend. I am a good listener. Yet, i talk a lot. It's complex and twisting thing.

Most of the time, i write about beauty of nature. My walks are always around these beautiful sceneries of nature. There is nothing else!

Alone Red Flower

In the garden, there is an alone red flower. Here is a fun fact...... Whenever you hear "red flower" then roses conjure up to your mind.

Same like this red flower i want to be alone for sometime. I need space from some of the people who are around me. But, i am getting courage to speak out loud everything. - Leave this discussion

Let's talk about what happens next to flowers and spring?

Well, i went to I-8(sector in Islamabad) for birthday party. Although i didn't captured cake's picture and soon you will find everything in the blog of @inshalicious.

We were walking and walking. Conversation was also walking with us. Our conversation was amalgamation of rants and jokes.

Clouds were roaming there but crowds were absent!

Yellow color's taxi was on wait and driver was busy on a call. Road was filled with cars and motorcycle. Luckily, i spotted one bicycle. One middle aged person was cycling. I was getting crazy to see bicycle. Ah, i didn't captured picture of it. It's okay!

A fighter jet was there on the road side. I wanted to be a pilot of it but then i got to know that i can only fly words.

But another pilot was in the air and he was flying an aeroplane. I became excited when i heard the sound of aeroplane. My voice raised and raised.

Under the scattered clouds architecture of Masjid was looking magnificent. I was stopping again and again to capture photos.

Pink flowers were blooming along one side of road. I could not stop myself to walk towards them. I touched them and felt them. Oh, my friend is standing there and waiting for me..... I have to go.

Next, there was a fruit stall. We stopped and bought just one strawberry. Yes, just one strawberry to taste.

I am so much talkative person.... Should i be slow? A song ringing in my head- Slowly Slowly-it is a bollywood song.

Here you can see @tahastories1.
What you are saying? Why i am sharing my own pictures? 😂
Because it's my blog......

Initially pizza was in it's good condition.

Soon it became so!
Within no minutes, plates were cleaned and we were filled.

Oh, night knocking. It was time to go back, Right? We booked our taxi and came back to our hostel.

That's how whole day went.

Thank you so much for scrolling down.

every picture belongs to me

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