Hustle diaries.//. An unexpected way to make cash

After I Came back from camp I knew, my Nysc suffering was going to continue. I now believe that NYSC truly means “Now your suffering continues”. Ever since I collected that khaki uniform I have not rested. Since camp, all the stress drained me that's why I have been inactive lately.

So, after camping the next thing for me to do was my
Relocation and documentation. I was reluctant to go because the secretariat where I'm supposed to submit my document is far from where I stay and I hate traveling.
I decided to go on Wednesday since I had no choice. My dad gave me some cash for my transportation. I left home early around 5:30 am so I could get there early. It took about 3 hours to get to the secretariat. I submitted the first document I was supposed to submit and the man attending to me told me to come back after I received a new code then I could proceed to the main documentation.

I know that I can't get the new code today and I have to wait for 3-7 days. I thought within myself that it would be a waste of money if I just went back home and waited for 3-7 days and then I would have to come back again to continue my documentation. That would be double transportation fare and stress too.

I decided to wait hopefully if I could still get the new code but while I was waiting I overheard two girls talk to a man that they had seen their new code and they were thanking him. I eagerly joined the conversation to learn what they did to get their new code fast. I later realized they paid a bribe to get it done fast. I happily gave the guy to help me too and to my surprise within 10 minutes or so I was able to receive a new code, wow. While other people were lamenting how they submitted days before and still haven't received a new code, I could only sympathize with them.

Meanwhile, the money I gave the man already shortened my transport fare back home. Then I said to myself “You must make back the money you spent“
Then this idea popped into my head, “why not help other people to submit and you can make money from them, cool cash right?” So I did, I posted it on a group chat and I got about 5 people immediately who were interested. I told them the price and that they would receive their code almost immediately but, only two were willing to pay. I understand that others might be scared of scams which is normal during the festive season, as everybody I looking for money.

I did the first two and they received their code within minutes, wow this is interesting. I decided to do it for two more people because why not? I can't hold myself from making more cash. I was I could do for like 10 people.
Unfortunately for me, The last person was unable to receive his code immediately. I was scared, I hate when people think I'm a scam. I waited for about 30min but I haven't still received his code.

I decided to look for the man I was helping but he he was nowhere to be found. After looking for a while I saw him coming out of the office and after I spoke to him about the issue he reassured me that he would receive the code. I waited for about 1hour again before he received his code. I was so relieved, that I hastily took my stuff and headed out. I was about to leave when another person messaged me that she was interested too. As tempting as it was I told her I couldn't, I could not wait another hour.

At the end of the day, I was able to make my transportation fare back and I was glad to the hustling spirit in me. If I see any opportunity to make money, I will take it with my hands wide open. Money must be made. Period!

For those who are wondering what NYSC means. NYSC stands for Nigeria Youth Service Corps. You can also check my previous post for more knowledge about it.

thanks for reading my blog and merry Christmas to you all❤️🎄

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