Garden Diaries: Toads, Trowels, and Tractors!

Ah, spring! That magical time of year when the sun finally breaks through the gloomy clouds and ushers in the warmer days—much to the delight of garden-loving souls like myself. I'm a mom to five wonderful (now adult) children, a therapist by day, and an all-around entrepreneurial spirit. Between managing my therapy practice and snapping photos for my small photography business, I find solace in the great outdoors, specifically in my somewhat wild garden.

This year, as I ventured outside, trowel in hand, ready to battle the winter-battered landscape, I discovered that my garden wasn't the only plot getting a makeover. Right next door, a duo decked in hoodies seemed to be on a quest to find the center of the Earth with their gigantic drilling rig. It’s always intriguing when your serene garden time syncs up with the industrial ballet of a geotechnical drill team!

As I tiptoed around the muddy patches (courtesy of the recent thaw), my efforts were rewarded—not with the first sprouts of spring, but with a pair of rugged toads. These little warriors had braved the cold and were now peeking out of my pond, seemingly just as surprised as I was that winter had finally packed its bags.

The contrast was almost poetic. On one hand, the peaceful, natural oasis of my garden, punctuated by the croaking of newly awakened toads; on the other, the mechanical grind of a geo-drill, shaking up not just the earth but my quiet afternoon plans. It’s moments like these that remind me that life is never just one thing—sometimes it's a weird, wonderful mix of toads and tractors.

And let’s be real: who needs a quiet retreat when you can have a front-row seat to a construction site (said no one ever)? At least it gives me a new backdrop for my photography hobby—high-vis vests against a springtime bloom! Here’s to embracing the chaos and finding joy in the unexpected little surprises, like my resilient amphibian friends. Toadally awesome, right?

Until next time, keep your gardens growing and your spirits high—even when life decides to throw in a bit of extra noise and a couple of toads for good measure!

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