The ripple effect: How one day touches many lives

Have you ever thought about how many lives you affect in one day?

As a teacher, this question echoes through my mind after a long day.

Of course, compared to an office worker or a farmer, my profession puts me in contact with a plethora of people.

But it's not just the quantity, it's also the impact - the invisible threads that connect us all.

This morning, the sun was shining through a deceitful sky.

It was rather chilly outside despite the sun.

I started my daily drive from home to work by turning up the heat in my car.

My thoughts shifted from home life to the school day ahead.

My routine helps break things down into compartments - worries about my own boys (one in second grade, the other a fifth grader nearing his senior year) stay at a distance until I reach the classroom door.

Sure, work flows into conversations at home, but the heavier stuff?

I leave those behind the school doors (fortunately, those moments are rare).
My classroom is an oasis of structure.

This is where the well-known dutch pillars of education reign - Rust (Peace), Reinheid (Cleanliness) and Regelmaat (Regularity), the "Three Dutch R's".

They work wonders, although keeping it clean can be a daily adventure!

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Today we are knee-deep in coming up with Mother's Day gifts.

Every year, my colleagues and I organize a grand finale on May 12, where each mother receives a beautiful, homemade treasure (along with a heartbreaking verse recited by their little one).

With four weeks to prepare, planning begins well in advance.

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The project for this year is a simple yet vibrant flower pot that is intended for young children.

The wooden cutlery is made more beautiful by the children's artistic ability, which transforms it into vivid flowers.

Their artistic flair is showcased by the flower pot, which is meticulously crafted from repurposed chip boxes.

Any mother's heart will melt when seeing it.

As I watch them at work, I realize that the effort they made today will bring a double dose of joy on May 12.

A mother showered with love from her child feels a wave of appreciation and affection.

That warmth, in turn, goes back to the child.

It is a beautiful cycle of giving and receiving.

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It's my turn for a well-earned lunch break after an energizing fruit and vegetable break.

Since you can't pour from an empty cup, taking care of yourself is key.

So quickly home for a delicious lunch.

But wait, where is my furry welcoming crew?

My faithful dog is usually curled up by the heater, but today he is nowhere to be seen.

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A quick scan shows him sunbathing in the spring sunshine, proving that he is a real sun worshipper (even though temperatures haven't really reached summer levels yet).

I wouldn't dream of disturbing his sun-soaked enjoyment; after all, a little peace and quiet is something we all crave.

Speaking of quiet, that is a rare commodity today.

We are all taking advantage of the dry weather and soaking up the precious vitamin D.

The forecast for tomorrow is rain, so we take advantage of the fresh air.

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From a nearby bench, I see the students enjoying their freedom and one brave soul even dares to take off his coat.

(Personally, I keep mine on at 12 degrees Celsius!)

When the last school bell rings and the students go home, the switch flips - it's time to focus on my own boys.

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Over a steaming hot lasagna, we dive into their day.

Successes, happy moments and even the struggles - it all comes up.

Although teenagers can sometimes be very private, the stories come off quite freely today.

We discuss the dreaded English listening test that harassed my oldest and the German test that challenged my youngest, as well as their after-school soccer plans.

As trifling as it may seem, I cherish these moments of open communication.

Knowing they feel comfortable sharing anything with me, big or small, is a feeling worth its weight in gold.

As I reflect on the day, a sense of accomplishment overflows my mind.

I believe my actions today have a good impact on many people's life.

It is a powerful reminder of our world's connectivity, a lovely ripple effect in which even the tiniest act of kindness may unleash a wave of delight.

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Wishing you all the best in life and much health.

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📷 Banners and dividers: Created with Canva Pro

📷 Photos: Owned and shot by me with an Iphone 14

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