As if it was once before

As if it was once before...
And as if it was there...
Under the big bright sun...
Under the big bright vault...

The moment, when I sat on a haystack at a party organized two weeks ago by the company I work for, I had a flashback as if I had already experienced it before, and the lyrics of a song by one of my favorite bands, EKV, which unfortunately no longer exist, echoed in my head. That's why I started this post with that lyrics and my edited photo that looks like it's really from the past.


And the day started with sunshine, a good mood and waiting for an event that was very important to me and all my colleagues. We work hard and love moments when we can take a break and relax, especially when someone makes sure everything is so well organized that all we have to do is let go and enjoy the day.


The party was held in the sports and recreation center "Pionirski grad" in Kosutnjak, a beautiful forest area in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia.

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The theme of the party was the new movie "Munje: opet!", the sequel to the 20-year-old original film, which is currently very popular in my country. The international title for this film is "Dudes: Again!". And "Munje: opet" literally means lightning again, so there were lightning illustrations everywhere at the party.

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At the entrance, we were welcomed by friendly girls who wished us to have a great time and directed us where to go.


As soon as I entered the large sports-recreational park, I saw that it was very nicely decorated and I started to explore.


First I approached the big creative board.

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I like to paint and I was excited to be able to paint some graffiti. Or at least try. 😊


Then I saw a place where I could enjoy my glitter experience.

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I couldn't wait to see how I would look with glitter on my face.


And it turned out fantastic! I modestly think that I was very beautiful, like all my colleagues who made the evening more brilliant with their appearance. 😊


When I contributed to the painting of the graffiti, I received a card on which it was written what to do next in search of the tape that the main characters of the film were looking for during the film. There was a reward for the finder of the tape, so I was curious and followed the directions.


The card said that now I should go play basketball, which I did. 😊



After three tries, I got a new card that said the tape was in the living room, so I continued my search. I found several places that looked like a living room.




But I couldn't find the tape. The lucky finder was someone else. 😊

As time passed, more and more people came. And everything looked like we were going to have a really great time!

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We had free drinks and delicious food. Food stands were the spots where people stayed the longest and returned most often. 😊

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We had a beautiful sunset in a pleasant environment with wonderful people, who do something good for the world around them every day.

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I love those people. They are cool, relaxed and very good at their jobs. They know what they want and go boldly towards it. And on that day, they just wanted to have a good time and put aside everything that was bothering them, at least for a while.



A lively energy spread all around. I wandered from one place to another and tried to be with as many people as possible, especially with those I don't see often. And of course I created content for my daily blog because the atmosphere was so inspiring for me, that I wanted to share it with you as soon as possible. 😊


And the music... It is not enough to say that it was excellent! The energetic band Skylimit did their best to get us moving all the time and make us have an awesome time. 😊

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We also had surprise guests. Those were the actors from the movie I mentioned, which was the theme of the party. They also brought positive vibes and brightened up our evening.


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We also had a DJ who played songs that we chose before. It was a very good atmosphere and people were very cheerful.

It was an amazing day with amazing people, painted with our colors, which make our world more colorful and always a bit better than yesterday. As if it was once... And as if it will always be.

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Thank you very much for reading.

The images and writing are original and mine.



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