Today's iftar get-together

Hey peeps..!!

wassup..?Those observing Ramadhan ,how is your fasting going?

By the way am doing very well, Alhamdulillah. A few days ago, we invited Popho (Father’s sister) at our house for itaar. Today, we were invited to their iftar. Our pophos' house is at the end of our street, so we frequently visit them, and we have a strong bond with them.

I woke up today at 1:00pm with popho’s phone call. She asked me to bring some yogurt for her.After waking up and doing some daily stuffs , i offered prayer. About 4 ‘o clock we get ready to leave for poho’s house. His son came to pick us.But we decided to walk through the street.We were in our casual wear because there is no formality needed.So we left for her place.

Here is my mother with my little cousin.

And this is me with my mumma.
After about two minutes of walk we reached at Popho’s place.

I opened the door and saw popho having her as usual place at her charpayi.

We tease her by saying that “This is your throne” fron where you use to order your kingdom,your kids.But the funny thing here is that she was cutting onions on her throne.😅

Upon arrival, my sister and I embarked on our mission. It was to find popho’s daughter. Popho informed us that she had come home from college and gone to sleep. We both went to her room to wake her up. In every cousin group, there's always one cousin who gets roast the most.Popho’s daughter, Zainiya, is that cousin in our group. We tease her relentlessly and joke with her about everything.

Just to uphold our legacy, we reached her room and teasingly woke her up. She screamed a lot, poor thing, but it was worth it to keep our tradition alive. We had to use some force to get her up.So we forcely removed her blanket and threw water on her.Atlast she woke up with badmouthing both of us.

Popho is the only one to make iftaar for about gathering of 15.So, we helped her. Mama sat on popho’s throne to cut fruits for fruit salad.I bring her washed fruits.

Then i took a round of kitchen. Pots were everywhere. Both stoves were being used to cook something. When I went closer to take a look, on one side, potatoes were placed for boiling, and on the other side, white chickpeas were cooking in a pressure cooker.

After sometime when i returned to kitchen grandma was opening the pressure cooker but at first she placed it under running water to cool down it.

I was taking photos and she was observing me all the time as if i am doing something strange. Then i was about to exit the kitchen when she hold my arm and asked me to took one more picture as if she likes that i am taking interest in households😅.So, for her i took a picture of her boiled potatoes.

A little while later, our dear Zainiya entered the kitchen because she was ordered to make green chutney. She's the girl who had said she wouldn't do any work.She washed coriander and green chillies to make their paste

I was wandering around taking photos, and this thing didn't sit well with my mom. Then she asked me to make a strawberry milkshake, I also pitched in my share for the iftar.

*As iftar time approached, the noise in the house kept increasing. Everyone was busy and in a hurry. Abeer and Zainiya were arranging the utensils. Popho was frying pakoras, and nuggets were being prepared for us. *

Grandma scolded everyone not to make so much noise, and I was just taking photos.There was such a mess in the kitchen and it is very common in Pakistani kitchens during Ramadhan.

The table had been set. We were praying and the time to break the fast arrived. Everyone opened their fasts with date.

And it was a very memorable gathering. We always enjoy at Auntie's house because she has a very cool temperament. We had a lot of fun because we really enjoy our family gatherings. Seeing my family members sitting with each other and laughing and chatting really pleases me.

And here ends our iftar..
I will be back with another blog soon.
Take care till then.

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