Fried Rice & Snow Fungus Soup by my Aunt❤️

We broke our record and reached early at Aunt's place. She so happened also said she had done cooking — cooked super simple today, a wok of fried rice and a pot of healthy soup. We also actually craved for something simple like this after eating food from catering center for our lunches. Yay!

Fried rice and Snow Fungus Soup

Here was our lunch!

We had super yummy fried rice, topped with either cherry tomatoes or cashew nuts, and snow fungus soup to replenish our tired bodies.

Fried rice!

She fried a real big wok of it. Inside, she added diced pumpkin, carrots, corn and peas. For protein, she added prawns and chicken, with lots of eggs, to be exact, she made omelette out of 8 eggs. She usually prepared tomatoes for me knowing that I super loved it, and also cashew nuts for my eldest son knowing that he loves adding nuts into his rice.

We thoroughly enjoyed our fried rice with our sides!

Snow Fungus Dried Longan pork soup!

She also boiled a big pot of this. She said we needed to replenish out tired bodies, as well as strengthening our lungs. This soup was super duper yummy. The ingredients she added was pork shoulder, big amount of dried longan, lotus seed, snow fungus and chestnut powder. All these contain health benefits. I had two small bowls of the soup.

Ginger brown sugar

After I had taken my lunch, she proceeded to let me try a drink called brown sugar ginger. She bought it from Chinese drug store who said this is very good for overall health, to boost immune system, to repel lethargy and to improve blood circulation.

Later on, the boys also wanted to try, so she poured some for them too. It was a bit too gingery for the boys though.

She showed me how the packet looks like. Basically it had already been made into cube, and how we made the soup was super simple, just add hot water and let it dissolve. You may drink it straight but will have some ginger bits. Or you may filter the drink just like what my Aunt did.

It was a very refreshing drink, I love it. She gave me her last packet to try. And said I could go and buy if I was interested.

Now that I no longer have tuition on Saturday, we could spend longer time at her house. The boys continued to play in the room, in between playing, they also lied down on the bed to rest. At the living hall, my Aunt chatted with me non-stop, because that's the only day she was not alone. Always very impressed with her story, all led to one conclusion, she really loved her family very much and would go second mile for them. You are such an inspiration, Auntie Margaret. ❤️

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