My day started off well, I was a bit lazy though to stand up from my bed but somehow I was able to just stand up and get myself ready since I planned traveling home. I had to wake up early so I can prepare my luggage for the journey ahead and luckily for me, I was able to finish everything in less than an hour and thereafter I took a cold bath.

I had also plan on getting a plastic card for one of my identity cards and I had to hurry there this morning under the rain because it started pouring. I was a bit irritated because my street was looking so muddy and somehow. Luckily for me, a friend came by and he had an umbrella mag that was how we both went to get the card done. Unfortunately for us, I was told that I’d have to wait for 72 hours before I can get my card. I was a bit disappointed because I needed the card that same day since I’d be traveling.

I had to go back home and just get ready to travel. When I got back home, I was already hungry so I had to heat up the left over food for my friend and I to eat since we were both hungry. After we finished eating, I had to wait back for my roommate to finish making her hair treatment so I’d take along with me. I saw that she was struggling doing everything on her own so I had to go assist her. At first I was reluctant to help because the hair product was oily and I didn’t want to get my hand soiled with it.

It took us quite some time before we could finish it and then I took some pictures of it and also did a video too. I cleaned up and got ready to leave. I had quite a lot of things to carry with me because I bought some fabrics I plan using to make new outfits for myself when I resume back after the lockdown. And I also got some avocado for my sister whose place I was going for the holiday. The load was quite heavy and I needed an extra hand and I was just fortunate that my friend was so willing to help out.

While we were walking down to where I’d take a shuttle, my slippers got bad and I had to make a repair. After we were done, we headed straight to the park where I boarded a vehicle. I had to take 2 different vehicles until I got to the final park that would take me to my destination. It was so hectic and draining for me because my friend already left and I was left to bear my cross. It was really heavy because even those I boarded their vehicles shouted when they tried putting the load in the boot of their vehicle.

The journey was quite smooth but we had some difficulties communicating well with the driver because for some weird reason he didn’t really care about anything anyone says to him. He was just focused on doing whatever he chooses, lol. Well well, lucky me, I got home after about 4 hours of leaving my apartment in my school state. When I got home I had to settle in and it was so good to see my sister again!!! She looked a lot smarter than she was the last time I left her and that alone just made me happy.

I arranged my things, took my bath and ate a really nice meal. After that I had to stay up to tell everyone I left behind I arrived safely and also watched an episode of a movie and after that I slept for about 2 hours. After that I started making my post and soon I’d be winding off for the day! I have a lot of things to do the next day so I just hope God grants me the opportunity and life to be able to do all of them.

That was roughly how my day went, what about yours? Did you do anything special or fun today? How was your day?!

The images used are mine

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