On Wednesday was quite a busy day for me, my roommate’s sister was having her induction and we had to prepare her for it. We woke up quite early to start taking some pictures of her and her induction gown. I was tired because I didn’t get a good rest the previous night but I still had to give my best to taking some shots. It was still quite early and there was no electricity so we had to make use of phone torch lights.

It took us about an hour before we could be done with the indoor photo shot. She was excited and at the same time emotional at some point as she tried to reminisce on those years she has spent in school, seeing that she is finally done with it. Just looking at her was just enough to encourage me to keeping giving my best to my studies so I’d also get the opportunity to celebrate when I’m done.

The weather was not so good that morning so we had to order for a ride to take us to the venue and when we got there almost all the inductees were already seated. We had to look for a place to seat since the hall was already getting filled up. They started just around the time we arrived and it was just perfect! The ceremony was quite an educative and motivating one because I got to see the best graduating student and how many prizes he got that day.

Oh! Did I mention that the people who had their induction that day were pharmacist? Yeah, they officially became pharmacists that day and it was a beautiful experience to be a part of. I saw how parents and well wishers were happy for their children and it was just beautiful. It was actually my first time attending an induction and I think this mark the beginning of more to come because I’m already in the system, hehe.

After we were done with the prize presentation and vote of thanks, we all went out to continue with the celebration where we get to enjoy ourselves. The weather was perfect at this point so I took more photos.

Sadly, before the day ended I was already feeling so tired and exhausted, I had to go home and rest but I’d say that day was quite an eventful one for me too.

Thank you so much for stopping by, do leave your comment on the images, they are not edited hehe.

The images used are mine

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