Heat Wave

Brazil has currently been going through a severe heat wave lately, it's all my friends up in the northern/central parts of the country have been talking about.

I've seen unrest going on at public transportation due to air conditioning not working, I've seen people go to the hospital because of the heat and I've seen even worse:

I can't believe someone was irresponsible enough to allow this to happen. An innocent 2 year old had to die because of negligence.

As much as you can blame agro destroying the Amazon and other global trends for the rise in temperatures, the blame for this can be put squarely on adult negligence.

Isn't It Normal for Temps to be This High Now?

As some of you may know, Brazil sits in the southern hemisphere, so it's not too uncommon for this to happen, temperatures obviously go up as summer arrives, but I live in the South and temperatures have been climbing at a much slower pace.

Some of this may be attributed to the current cyclone going on in the south, but the trend holds true for other South American nations where there is no cyclone.

Still, it's really screwed up that we're having to go through such tough times right now and I just hope this summer doesn't become the hottest summer in Brazilian history. I really hope the heat wave ends before we see the worst of it.

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