Caturday Chorin'


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Our weather has been gray and rather blustery for the past few days. In fact, it really has been giving off Western Washington and Southeast Alaska vibes. So much so, that I feel like I should be clutching a hot drink full of exotic fair trade ingredients that I can't name and pontificating on some existentially dire social theory that absolutely would change things if only people would be brave enough to implement it.

Whoa. I might have went off the rails a bit there. Truly though, it's been gray and misty for days.

But, that doesn't mean that work doesn't happen. This morning I posted my final paper in my social work class, and I am fairly happy with the composition and the research I did for it. Then the manual labor for the day began.

I grabbed my trusty steel pronged yard rake and spent an hour and a half over at the RV spot cleaning up pine needles and other tree detritus. It was a pretty good time because I listened to a podcast while I worked that was an interview with Brene Brown and Futurist Amy Web about the technology "Super Cycle" that we are currently ensnared in as a species. AI, wearable devices, and biotechnology are a beyond interesting trifecta, and it's both thrilling and more than a bit terrifying to think about all the angst and foraying we are doing in those areas, especially when discussed by people who are doing great work in those realms.

While I was raking, picking up piles, and being productive, I was also heavily supurrvised. You can't go anywhere on this place without an overseer, and purr usual, I was observed.

That also meant I was tripped, ran into, had my piles destroyed, and randomly amused by tree climbing antics and spastic rolling displays.

I love cats.

I also love dogs, and my corgi kept me on my toes by making sure I didn't miss a single pine cone. Any strays were thrown at my feet.

But back to the cats. During all of my chores today, they were there. While I was hoeing the sprouting weeds out of my soon to be planted sunflower beds, the cats were there. While I was walking back home through the pine forest patch, the cats were there. While I was trying to eat some danged French toast, THE CATS WERE THERE!

Did I mention the cats were there?

Honestly though, the little furlines bring so much joy to our lives. I tend to find the fun in most of life's activities, but there is just something mirthful and magical about watching cats conduct themselves. Like grandma cat, AKA Dogcat, AKA Kajiit, AKA Wa-wa, she didn't seem to enjoy the cool wind on her bones, so she parked herself in the warm delights that is the composting chicken bedding in my wheelbarrow that I have yet to put on the corn bed. Way to improvise Grandma!


And then there is Peaches. She is such an elegant and regal looking cat. But she also looks at you with what my dad would call The Dumb Missouri look, which is a look described by my dad and uncle as one that denotes living but possessing a no vacancy sign on the top floor,. I suppose she at least plays on her strengths.


But it was Yaga that provided me with the most heartwarming scene on this lovely, yet gray Caturday. I came into the house a bit ago, covered in dirt and pine needles, and there was that little ball of cute, curled up and snoozing on the bench under the dining room window. I was almost jealous at her display of absolute and total contentment.

Which a display I am going to go attempt to emulate right meow...

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's still a bit annoyed by the surplus of cat hair about and being batted like a squeaky toy on occasion iPhone.

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