The story of my Journey here on Hive

Hello, hivers and fellas. Today you will be reading a story of how I got to know about hives and my journey so far.

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Honestly speaking, it hasn’t been the easiest of journeys for me; it was more like I was on a road trip through different towns as I got to meet new people of different races. It had been fun, and the journey all started this way.

I got to know Hive through a friend; @uchihanagato we were both on a blogging site, and he explained how it was to meet. Telling me about hive power, how it is different from HBD, and how that is also different from the hive token. I was lost and told him it was too complex for me. I really don’t like complex things and give up way too easily.

There he is on the blue nose masks.

At a point, he showed me his earnings, and that motivated me to register. I did register and made my first post on the #OCD community; that was my introduction post. I had help from the likes of @princessbusayo , @olawalium , and my pal too.

I thought the next post I made was going to get me the same thing it got me in my intro post, and to my surprise, I had nothing less than $0.05 or even lower, so I decided to post again in the OCD #community, and I got a comment advising me not to make all my posts there as they weren’t relevant to the community. How did they say it wasn’t relevant? I started doing more research, and I started getting the hang of it.

I did not write for weeks; I was just learning. I finally decided to try #theinkwell community because story writing is one of my strong points. I made my post and got a comment on how bad my grammar is and links on how to improve myself. The links were so much that I wanted to give up. I was frustrated and made a post out of frustration to the #OCD community, stating Lost my way on hive

The comments and upvotes I got that day changed my thinking. I read all the comments and saw different people willing to teach me. I started learning again, and another thing that gave me the shock was some notification I got. I will see notifications like You have received $HHB, $LEO, $POB, $ALIVE, and many more. I thought I had committed a crime, but with more questions asked, I gained more understanding.

Today I am more than a year older on the hive, and I have joined the #dreemport challenge to help the newbies on the hive know more about what the ecosystem is like. The marathon challenge by @dreemsteem is a good initiative on Hive. I have a team already, and we will do all we can to help.

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