Pleasure in bringing happiness to others

In the morning I woke up fresh and ready to go to the office. After having breakfast, I called my mother's phone and talked. In our village in the southern part of Bangladesh, there is a good winter. Ma says that the village has a lot of cold and thick fog every day. In the morning, my daughter Muntaha was sleeping so I did not wake her up. I had breakfast and left home for the office.

A seller was selling plastic items by ferry! I had to buy some plastic items for home and I was looking at them from this iron car of his. Every morning we go out to work in pursuit of a livelihood. People of various professions work in our society. For those who have to depend on daily income, it becomes difficult to lead a life in rain or any bad conditions.

However, I entered the office and started working. I will have my work pressure almost every day until next 3rd! As the month is coming to an end, I have to process to check thoroughly all the activities of the entire month.

Today was a colleague's birthday in the office, on that occasion everyone contributed but since I didn't have much money at the end of the month I couldn't contribute.

On everyone's initiative, we brought a cake and for his birthday he is also a fan of the Argentina team and because of that, we bought a special little Argentina cake for him. Every little effort can make someone happy and that's what we always do! If there is someone's birthday in the office, the colleagues collect a subscription and celebrate his birthday and organize a light breakfast. We often try to stand by everyone by contributing small amounts or when someone is in danger, we try to stand by them. The real pleasure in this contribution. Anyway, it was a great time, as you can tell from the photographs.

In the evening, while returning from the office, I bought Jali Kebab from the food hotel. I try to have fried food in the evening (even though it is unhealthy but tasty). I don't want to eat anything without family, that's why I try to buy any food and eat together.

After coming home I freshen up and play sports with my daughter (this is my regular practice). At around 10:30 pm we had dinner, today's dinner menu was: chicken and dal.

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