All day spent shopping for native material.

Who says shopping is easy? I state it boldly that shopping is not easy at all. Maybe it's because of my introverted nature or because i would rather stay indoors with a cup of hot cocoa and a sizzling romance novel before my eyes while laying on my bed. That's how a typical fun day is for me.

Yesterday, I went on an errand with a neighbour to the famous Oshodi market in Lagos state. For those familiar with oshodi market, you know how busy that market is. From dawn to dusk, that market is usually alive and bubbling. There is nothing you are looking for that you won't find there.

When I and this lady (my neighbour) arrived at the market to shop for native attire in large quantities, we were amazed at how much the market has changed and all the new improvements that has been put in place. It has been about seven years since I last visited the market, so I was more surprised.

I couldn't bring out my phone to take pictures because I didn't want the "big boys" to snatch my phone frim me 😁. I used my eyes to snap all the shots. If you want to see the pictures, just look into my eyes, hehe.

Moving on, we both walked to the fabric section and began perusing through some shops. My eyes nearly pooped out of my face for the enormous amount of clothes that were available. I guess I should note it that we had no particular choice in mind, we simply wanted to go with the flow but the flow qas too much for us 😁.

About an hour and twenty minutes later, we finally got a shop were we saw many beautifully designed fabrics. I and the lady that accompanied me were left indecisive as the fabrics were simply beautiful to choose from.

Finally we made our pick and then came the time for price haggling. This is one good thing about oshodi market, that you can actually beat down the price of goods especially when you buy in bulk.

We finally settled for a good price with the wholesaler, paid and carried the fabrics back home. We were also accompanied by a rainstorm from oshodi down to Badagry. We were drenched, tired and cold. We arrived home at 4pm whereas we left home at 7am.

I compensated myself by making hot cocoa, fried egg and bread and ate before hitting the bed for a sweet sleep 😊.

That's all for how I spent my Saturday. Thank tou all for reading.. shalom

Images are mine.

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