

Un saludo muy especial para todos y en especial a los de esta comunidad de #Dailyblog, donde hoy tengo el placer de publicar nuevamente.

Mi hija ha seguido avanzando en su grupo Corral 馃幎 Mi-LA馃幎 y fueron invitados a participar junto con el proyecto Renacer a participar en un evento que se realiz贸 en el teatro de la biblioteca "Elvira Cape" que se llama TESORO DE PAPEL, donde se dieron cita muchas manifestaciones art铆sticas para engalanar este lindo espect谩culo.
Llegamos en el horario de la ma帽ana
Y en pocos minutos comenz贸 la actividad.Una mezcla de ni帽os y adolescentes talentosos desborda el escenario.
Los payasos hicieron su mejor funci贸n, rob谩ndole a los ni帽os la sonrisa con tantas ocurrencias y las bailarinas con su arte y elegancia cautivaron a todos los espectadores y que decir de Coraz贸n valiente, la mascota de el proyecto que tanto les gust贸 a los ni帽os y las voces del corro se intercalaban con cada funci贸n, creando un efecto especial, por eso la ovaci贸n del p煤blico no se hizo esperar.

Las ni帽as quedaron muy satisfechas con el resultado de su actuaci贸n, pero otro no pod铆a ser, porque han ensayado mucho, sacrificando horas de juego y de descanso, pero vali贸 la pena.


A very special greeting to everyone and especially to those of this #Dailyblog community, where today I have the pleasure of publishing again.

My daughter has continued to advance in her group Corral 馃幎 Mi-LA馃幎 and they were invited to participate together with the Renacer project to participate in an event that was held in the library theater "Elvira Cape" called PAPER TREASURE, where many artistic manifestations gathered to decorate this beautiful spectacle.
We arrived in the morning
And in a few minutes the activity began.A mix of talented children and teenagers overflows the stage.
The clowns did their best performance, stealing the children's smiles with so many witticisms and the dancers with their art and elegance captivated all the spectators and what can we say about Braveheart, the mascot of the project that the children and the girls liked so much. Voices from the circle were interspersed with each performance, creating a special effect, which is why the audience's praise was not long in coming.

The girls were very satisfied with the result of their performance, but it couldn't be anything else, because they have rehearsed a lot, sacrificing hours of play and rest, but it was worth it.

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Al terminar la actuaci贸n salimos a dar un recorrido por el centro de la ciudad donde se est谩 realizando la Feria del Libro, se dan cita personas de todas las edades para disfrutar de este momento, Santiago resplandec铆a de tanto colorido,la ciudad se viste de gala para recibir a personas de otras provincias y latitudes y el clima estaba muy acogedor y una fresca brisa nos da la bienvenida, las personas pasaban por todos los puestos buscando el libro preferido para comprar, a pesar de que los precios estaban por las nubes, siempre esperamos la Feria del Libro para comprar los libros de nuestro inter茅s.

Se sumaron a la fiesta del libro los trovadores, que tambi茅n forman parte del argot popular santiaguero y all铆 nos encontramos con Coraz贸n Valiente, disfrutando de un encuentro entre guitarristas y trovadores y no pod铆a faltar mi foto de recuerdo con la mascota.

At the end of the performance we went out for a tour of the city center where the Book Fair was being held, People of all ages gather to enjoy this moment,
Santiago was resplendent with so much color,The city dresses up to receive people from other provinces and latitudes,and the weather was very welcoming and a cool breeze welcomed us, people were passing by all the stalls looking for their favorite book to buy, Even though prices were sky-high, we always waited for the Book Fair to buy the books of our interest.

The troubadours, who are also part of the Santiago popular slang, joined the book festival and there we found Coraz贸n Valiente, enjoying a meeting between guitarists and troubadours and I couldn't miss my souvenir photo with the mascot.






Nos encontraremos con amistades y familiares que tambi茅n fueron a la cita del libro, ya que no hay nada mejor que un buen libro para leer y disfrutar y entre libros y sonrisas el tiempo pas贸 de prisa.

Pasamos un lindo d铆a, los ni帽os disfrutaron de un d铆a muy especial, ya que pudieron medir su talento junto a otros proyectos infantiles que se desarrollan en la ciudad y que juntos van cobrando fuerza.

Es muy gratificante ver la nueva generaci贸n inmersa en actividades como estas, ya que va marcando un antes y un despu茅s en sus vidas y los padres y abuelitos a su lado apoy谩ndolos en toda su formaci贸n, porque adem谩s de ser un paseo forma parte de su proceso de formaci贸n vocacional y profesional, adem谩s de despertar el amor por los libros y la lectura. Y es que cada libro representa Un Tesoro de Papel.

We will meet friends and family who also went to the book date, since there is nothing better than a good book to read and enjoy and between books and smiles time passed quickly.
We had a nice day, the children enjoyed a very special day, as they were able to measure their talent alongside other children's projects that are being developed in the city and that together are gaining strength.
It is very gratifying to see the new generation immersed in activities like these, since it marks a before and after in their lives and the parents and grandparents by their side supporting them throughout their training, because in addition to being a walk it is part of their process. vocational and professional training, in addition to awakening the love of books and reading.And each book represents A Papers Treasure.

The photos were taking by me with my pnone and editated with


Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi tel茅fono y editadas en

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Traducido por Deepl.com

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