Decluttering My Space - Study Area, Workspace, and Personal Stuff

Decluttering My Space - Study Area, Workspace, and Personal Stuff.png

The background image is from Unsplash by eberhard šŸ– grossgasteiger

It's finally summer vacation!

So I have to go home and leave the boarding house from nearby from our school. Upon going home, I needed to bring most of my stuff from the boarding house to our home such as my clothes and other school stuff.

Then I noticed that I am disorganized and I cannot work and study in this kind of setup. This is why I decided to declutter and organize my things to make them more pleasant and have a good ambiance while working and studying.


Of course, I decluttered my table first. You will see my mini-shelf with books and random stuff on my side table. It is a mess. And I don't want to work in this kind of setup. At first, I removed everything to it and started to organize them. My shelf was already organized last week since I already work on it. So I only have a few things to do.

You will notice my white hard hat. It is an award for sophomores called hardhat awardee. I am lucky to become one of the awardees, but I am not sure if I am still an awardee next academic year because I have one failed subject (I might tell the story in the next blog).

I decided to fix everything by sorting my stuff and throwing the things that I don't need anymore.


Here's what it looks like. I have some books that I am using as a student and non-fiction books that I am also reading when I am in the mood for reading. I just love reading using physical books but lately, I am thinking of buying a Kindle but it is kind of expensive. What do you think of this idea? Should I buy one?


It looks like nothing changed (lol). But this is better than before. Don't mind the mess of our home, we don't have a good and aesthetic house. I don't even have my room.

The next thing that I decluttered is my essentials bag. I have a small bag where I put all of my essentials such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturizer, perfume, cleanser, and sunscreen. I bought this bag so I can bring it wherever I go.


I also put my shampoo and conditioner here so I will not forget them when I am going to our boarding house.


I don't use any chemicals on my face since the beginning but lately, I was thinking of exploring and using such products. I feel insecure about how I look and hope that using these products will help me. Some professionals also said that these things are a must and essential such as sunscreen.

One thing that is making my essential bag messy is because of the shampoo. So, I decided to use a rubber band (rubber pony --- in the Philippines) to sort and organize them.


I just used conditioner on my hair because one of my friends told me that I should use it. You know, I have dry hair and I want to make it feel soft and straight so who knows if this will work, right?

I also organized my bag at school including my pencil case. It is such a mess having plenty of stuff that I don't need.



I decided to throw the things that I don't need to then separate and keep the things that I might need in the future.

Finally, the final stage is organizing my drawer and cabinet. I only have a few pleasant and good-looking clothes. So I want to buy it soon when I have the budget. But for now, I decided to separate the clothes and shorts that I will not need anymore and much-used clothes -- I can give them to some kids that fit into the clothes or just use them as a rag.


You will how messy it is. My drawer is also full of old clothes so it is time to organize them.


Here are some of my old clothes and shorts that I can donate, throw, or use as a rag (for the sake of being resourceful).

Nothing beats an organized and cluttered work environment. It is always better to declutter at least once a week or month so you can avoid working in a messy environment.

I am practicing becoming a minimalist so I want to know the best practices to become one. The do's and dont's, and know the real concept and meaning behind it. Sooner, when I have enough money and budget, I will fully embrace it. I want to have an aesthetic and better workspace so I am working and thriving smarter and harder.


Here's one of my motivations to become a civil engineer someday despite of ups and downs in this course. It is tough but hopefully, I can achieve it.

PaDIEyon! (LOL).

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About the author

Mark Laurence Oabel avatar.png

Laurence, also known as Laurenceuuu and anonymous02 is a student who is currently taking a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He is expanding his knowledge and skills by blogging where he mostly writes about digital marketing, productivity, and making money online.

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How to: Write and Earn on Hive (Beginnerā€™s Guide)
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Graphics are made and designed by the author using Canva. All images are mine unless stated otherwise. Page dividers are from TheTerminal.

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