Is Happiness Underrated? 🤔

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Happiness is the key to living freely and fully. There is no substitute to happiness. Happiness cannot be overlooked or taken for granted. But yeah sometimes its a bit underrated. Why's that?

Human life is full of ups and downs. In this fast moving life, we hardly devote a specific time to happiness. Being always in hurry we try to seek happiness through different and quick means. Sometimes we ignore happiness in wake of our adversities, responsibilities etc. But honestly is it really worth it? We all get only one life, and living it with utmost happiness should definitely be our main priority.

Brining Happiness in your life doesn't only limit to yourself. It will flow to your loved ones and every person around you. Because everyone loves seeing happy faces around and being in company of happy people. Spreading happiness is one of the best things we humans can do.

Don't let the daily life struggles and tough times to snatch away your happiness. It's your valuable treasure and you have every right to own the treasure of Happiness. Let the emotions and weeknesses be your strength and try to always hope in the darkest hours. Be optimistic and positive, be humble, try to understand others emotions as well and you can easily seek happiness in. Your life.

Many times we ignore everyday small things that could bring happiness in those moments but we keep on reserving ourselves from it, always waiting for the big things or bug moments to decide happiness for us. But that is completely wrong. These small moments of happiness will cherish and lift us, make us feel alive and refreshing. Then we can focus on our big goals in a happy way to achieve the best.

Happiness should never be underrated. Moreover it's ok if its a bit overrated. After all what is the meaning of life without happiness. Never let anyone and anything decide your moments of happiness. Feel the happiness in every moment and share it with others, and always greatful of things and people bringing happiness in you life.

@giantbear shares a great post, in addition to his ONE MONTH happiness challenge!, a very happy initiative I would say, shares a wonderful stroy and shares the message of solving our issues and problems to seek happiness for ourselves. Check out this amazing post here

Happiness is a work in progress. To solve our problems is a constant work in progress. Happiness is not given to anyone on a plate. We need to constantly work to be happy. Many people are in complete denial and can't admit that they have problems in the first place. They are distracted from reality.

My entry for the DCC contest organized by @clixmoney, check out the contest post here

Let's support #happiness😊

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