What Creating Content Means To Me.

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Sometimes I feel I have so much to say and the only way I can express myself is to get it out of my head by putting it down. This has helped me a lot because I believe writing should be about expressing your views. It's about having a voice, saying things the way you see them and also helping others to amplify their words - for researchers too.

The way I see content writing is to give power to our words, hoping it gives someone strength and courage to keep pushing through life so they can know they are not alone. It's about learning new things, seeking solutions and improving our knowledge database. There are so many things to learn, not only when you write but also when you read.

What content do you like to create the most?

I like to create contents that challenge people, content that makes them think harder. Someone says I am responsible for what I said and not what you think. I can point you in the direction to go but I won't walk it with you. That's why when we read, we engage our thought processes. What we read is to challenge us to think and not just to copy and paste or go on to take advice that does not apply to our lives but to give us different angles to look at so that we can make better choices. This is the kind of content I like to create. I want to challenge people to think, to know better, do better, live better and understand better.

What content do you like to consume the most?

The kind of content I would love to read or consume must also be informative and challenging. The major reason why we read is to learn. I easily get attracted when I see titles and from the titles of some posts, I don't even bother to read. When I see a creative title, my heart is always opened naturally, to read and learn.

I love pictures too. I believe pictures speak a thousand words than we can better express with words. I love reading picture content, football content and life content. There is indeed no manual on how we are to live in this world, so if I can read from others to avoid their mistakes, take their lessons and make my journey faster I would. I love reading content that is made about life because life is always teaching us.

There are many things to learn about life. Each person has a different exposure and this is why life content appeals to me more. Life is funny and it can play a fast one on us because humans can be unpredictable sometimes. When I read life content, it prepares me so when I see a similar situation, I would have thought through what I should do at that moment since the situation is now 'familiar'.

How the content should be?

The content should be sincere and detailed. I am not a fan of 1-minute posts or 2 minutes. A lot of people do rush jobs and those kinds of content don't appeal to me. Content should require you to give your best to it. It requires you to take your time even if you have to make mistakes.

Content should be about learning, informing and providing critical thinking for your readers. Content shouldn't be made by a lazy person who won't take enough time to give the best. Your content must pass messages to your readers.

This interesting truth from @hitmeasap just confirmed what I've been saying all along. You can read the post: How To Write Captivating Posts For Success. The writer said;

I would say that the majority of the content that is being published on Hive is rather poor, in terms of optimization and ranking potential, while we have a great deal of really amazing content. I say that because most people aren’t producing content to attract outsiders. They are focused on creating inward-facing content.

Content should not be poor. A lot of people write just for writing sake and this is why they are not attracting traffic to their blogs. When people see a rush job, they know it is a rush job. When I see a post with a lack of effort, I know from the build-up to the ending of the post. Your content shouldn't waste the time of your readers. It should keep them glued till they finish reading it and want more. This is how they can subscribe to you, hoping to read more.

Humans make up their minds quickly when they see a rush and lazy job and you can be sure they won't come back again even if you write something great afterwards. The first impression lasts longer and you must consistently develop yourself and not drop the standard for a minute.

Build your content on what you naturally feel comfortable with. Don't base your content on what others are doing because you will soon lose the motivation to continue. Stick to your area of specialization and be ready to do the work.

What kind of content do you make? Let's hear from you out by joining this contest too. Click here


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