Should you always tell the truth?

I have this particular phrase on my wall that I wake up to every morning and it states

"Never say anything that isn't true, have nothing to do with lies and misleading words"

It's the scripture, I don't know if I follow it, all I know is that I am usually reminded anytime I want to tell lies.

What do I think about the truth?

Most times if we live truthfully, it hurts other people. There are certain things that people should not know. It's better to keep them clueless instead of informing them. This is because I grow up to hear these words, "the things you don't know can't hurt you".

King Solomon also said in the scripture "for in much wisdom is much grieved, and he that increases knowledge, increases sorrows"*

This means some things are better left unsaid, and we shouldn't be sincere about everything.

So I feel we shouldn't tell the truth at times especially if it protects the interest of the other party.

How can you define truth?

I would define truth as something true. of course, that's how truth is defined, and if we define it otherwise, then, it's not the ......I am messing with your mind right now 😂

With utmost certainty, all amount of sincerity, judging from all facts, with acceptance from all angles...Truth.

What are the most truthful sources of information for you?

The most truthful source for me is from the horse's mouth. Well, I know the horse's mouth could decide to withhold the truth with clear reasons as I stated above. This doesn't mean I will stop seeking out truth from the real source.

Should you always tell the truth?

It's better if the true owner of the story lied about it than to be fed with lies from other sources. Since that person will withhold the truth with good intentions (or maybe bad intention), as long as they are seeking to protect something.

I still don't know how to source news as I speak. I find it difficult to. I have to learn to do this.

So it boils down to me finding truth from truth tables(where truths are supposed to be found..... the owners)

Why should we spread the truth and protect it?

There are lots of reasons we should protect and spread the Truth. One of them is so that the rest of the folks won't be misled.

Yes, mislead, remember how I started this post? The scripture had said we should have nothing to do with misleading words.

So I figured, the most important reason we shouldn't be caught spreading lies should be to avoid misleading others.

Another reason we should protect and spread the truth is to save lives. There are sensitive information that should not be withheld if it will take the lives of innocent ones.

I went through hive looking for posts around the tag, #truth and I found a rather interesting post from an interesting fellow that recently joined hive and has been feeding us with amazing thoughts.

The user's post wasn't centered on truth. She was talking about what makes you feel better What caught my attention was the part I will be quoting below.

What if it's drugs or alcohol? please don't ask me......I can't tell you what to do with your health.....I want you to know that health is wealth, and you must protect your health as you would your wealth.

She was telling us those things that keep her sane and makes her feel better. And she advised that we should always resort to those things that keep us sane too, whether they are material or immaterial.

And then she must have remembered a lot of people use drugs and alcohol to stay sane and feel better, and she mentioned it.

Pay attention. We all know our health is wealth right? This fellow knows that this is true but did you see the way she avoided being blunt about the truth?

I am guessing it's to protect the interest of everyone who loves drinking or taking drugs.

What she did wasn't to ask them to stop using these things. She found a way around this simple truth, that way a reader will have to take the better decisions from his heart not because he was asked or forced to.

Ha....yes, yesterday, one of my favorites content creators @alekst7 had written a post about alcohol and how it affects us no matter how much we try to paint it black and white.

And measuring this feat with what @iskafan did with the last part of her post, I will be bringing my thoughts about telling the truth to a standpoint.

We do not necessarily have to tell the truth about a thing at all times. Some people will be greatly hurt by the truth or may try to hurt us.

So it's better if you guard your tongue, and watch carefully what you disclose as this can be used against you.

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