Habits to Cultivate for Ultimate Adeptship

Noa on the way to their twice a week grocery shopping trip.

  • In every thought, feelings and actions, make sure they will benefit society as a whole.
  • Do your ultimate best in everything you do and feel fulfilled in doing so.
  • Have invincible will with gradual character building and rewards yourself for every achievement.
  • Prioritize and avoid procrastination.
  • Set realistic small goals for your bigger goal.

  • One step at a time for all the changes you make in your life.

  • Gradually increase the difficulty of the habits you want to eliminate.

  • Life should not be all work and no play.
  • Strive to live optimum living.

Source; CC Zain, Personal Alchemy(ISBN 978-0-87887-522-1)

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Are you new to STEEM Blockchain world? Read on...

Hello there, if you landed here at STEEMPEAK (one of many steem platform) through my post from other social media, and have no idea what STEEM Blockchain is, let me tell you about STEEM Blockchain in simple and sweet to understand;

  • STEEM Blockchain is just like other giant social media platforms out there (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc) but here in STEEM Blockchain you might be rewarded by posting your awesome contents.
  • You get paid too when you 'like' others contents.
  • There are many cool features on STEEM Blockchain that you can enjoy and might get paid for such as;
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    • Get a reward by being active and healthy on @activefit
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You can join many other tribes and community created through steem-engine and get tokens from;
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naturalmedicine.io for anything healthy, spiritual and better living.
@neoxian @palnet @dblog for blogging
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How is the technology blockchain going to revolutionize industries?

I'm happy to welcome you aboard on STEEM blockchain and lets together make STEEM Blockchain the future of Internet Web 3.0


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