Proposal Results For: ~~ARCHON PROPOSAL - vote Lootkit.Witness - proxy archon-gov with other trail accounts.~~: Failed due to not enough votes

Result: Failed due to not enough votes
link: @ecoinstant/archon-proposal-vote-lootkit-witness-proxy-archon-gov-with-other-trail-accounts
Title: ARCHON PROPOSAL - vote Lootkit.Witness - proxy archon-gov with other trail accounts.
By: @ecoinstant

Users For (48.37992766682021 GP Total):
@seckorama with 0.07053668634606225 GP
@taskmanager with 4.53842561580808 GP
@melinda010100 with 3.798854245441039 GP
@ecoinstant with 5.620921737974106 GP
@pixelfan with 1.7895882265225718 GP
@stuffbyspencer with 0.05894667819306249 GP
@dera123 with 3.5051658367428704 GP
@simplegame with 0.03509661717141364 GP
@ecoinstats with 7.8796771805215275 GP
@khan.dayyanz with 0.2340904994285023 GP
@quintaesencia with 3.986398979798638 GP
@prize.hoard with 2.942665174802599 GP
@brofund with 5.663128353505007 GP
@discohedge with 8.256431834564726 GP

Users Against (0 GP Total):

ARCHON PROPOSAL - vote Lootkit.Witness - proxy archon-gov with other trail accounts. is considered Failed due to not enough votes

(images were pulled from proposal at @ecoinstant/archon-proposal-vote-lootkit-witness-proxy-archon-gov-with-other-trail-accounts)

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