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[Eng/Esp] A somewhat unfortunate day of riding, cycling in the rain!

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Hola hola querida comunidad de hive!

Como están el día de hoy? Yo super feliz, con muchas ganas de mostrarles unas fotos de mi última salida en bici para mi fiel morro. Llevo varios días yendo al morro cada vez que salgo en bici, ya que ese lugar es simplemente maravilloso para dar vueltas y hacer ciclismo. Sin más, quiero mostrarles unas cuantas fotos y hablarles de este lindo día con ciertos contratiempos

How are you today? I'm super happy, looking forward to show you some pictures of my last bike ride to my faithful morro. I've been going to the morro every time I go out on my bike for several days, because that place is just wonderful for riding around and cycling. Without further ado, I want to show you a few pictures and tell you about this nice day with some setbacks.

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Salida algo nublada

Hace bastante poco, salí con mi amigo a dar una vuelta por el morro, como ya conté. Unas horas de salir, estaba bastante nublado, pero decidimos no prestarle mucha atención a eso y salimos tomando nuestro camino

Quite recently, I went out with my friend for a walk around the nose, as I already told. A few hours after leaving, it was quite cloudy, but we decided not to pay too much attention to that and went on our way. 

Ya cuando íbamos llegando a la montaña, todo iba bien, el cielo estaba bastante despejado y lindo. Todo fue hasta que íbamos por mitad de camino, cuando los ciclistas que estaban por la zona se empezaron a ir, y empezó a oscurecerse mucho. Como ya estábamos a mitad de camino, decidimos escalar la montaña, bajar e irnos a nuestras casas con nuestras bicicletas

When we were getting to the mountain, everything was going well, the sky was quite clear and beautiful. Everything was going well until we were half way up, when the cyclists that were in the area started to leave, and it started to get dark. As we were already half way, we decided to climb up the mountain, go down and go home with our bikes.

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Al empezar a subir nos asustamos un poco, ya que estaba muy nublado y había un poco de brisa, pero ya no teníamos más espatoria que terminar el camino. Mi mayor preocupación es que si subíamos y empezaba a llover mucho, no podríamos bajar con las bicicletas, y tendríamos que quedarnos allá arriba rezando que no se llenará todo de agua y tuviéramos que pedir que nos buscarán

As we started to climb we got a little scared, as it was very cloudy and there was a bit of a breeze, but we had no other option but to finish the trail. My biggest worry was that if we went up and it started to rain a lot, we wouldn't be able to get down with the bikes, and we would have to stay up there praying that it wouldn't fill up with water and we would have to ask to be fetched. 

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El camino fue bonito, pero el terminar de subir estaba algo nublado. Cuando logramos bajar, empezó a llover y tuvimos que irnos rápido a nuestras casas para no agarrar caminos encharcados

The road was beautiful, but it was a bit cloudy at the end of the climb. When we got down, it started to rain and we had to go home quickly so as not to get caught in water on the roads.

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Aunque nos haya ido así, me gusto bastante el paseo, ya que fue bastante diferentes, y sin duda nos puso a pensar y a tratar de resolver sobre la marcha. A veces salirse de lo mismo de siempre es divertido

Even though it went that way, I quite liked the ride, as it was quite different, and it certainly got us thinking and trying to figure things out as we went along. Sometimes going off the beaten path is fun. 

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Gracias por leer!

Muchas gracias por pasarte y llegar hasta aquí, este día fue bastante difícil, gracias al lugar donde estábamos, pero todo salio bien y logramos resolver todo, nos vemos pronto!!

Thank you very much for stopping by, this day was quite difficult, thanks to the place where we were, but everything went well and we were able to solve everything, see you soon!

Traducido con DeeplTranslated with deepl
Imagenes de mi autoriaimages of my authorship
Portada editada con CanvaCover edited with Canva

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