My Cycling Experience

Good day everyone,hope we're all doing well. Cycling is a fun and healthy activity that people of all ages can enjoy.My cycling journey has always been an interesting one to talk about. As kids, we enjoyed riding bicycles around the neighborhood. It was always the fun thing do do after waking up.

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I first learned how to ride a bike when I was 5 years old. My elder sister was my teacher, patiently holding onto the back of my bike seat as I wobbled along, trying to keep my balance. I was nervous at first, worried that I would fall over as soon as she let go. But she encouraged me to keep trying. After many attempts riding down the sidewalk with her holding on tight behind me, she decided it was time for me to try riding solo. She ran beside me, holding onto the bike for a few moments before letting go. I pedaled ahead at first, but soon lost my balance and fell over onto the grass.
My sister helped me up, brushed off my skinned knee, and convinced me to get back on the bike. I was so scared for falling, but she reassured me that falling was part of learning. So I got back on and tried again, and again, and again. For over two weeks, I kept practicing, falling, and getting back up. My sister was patient with me, running beside my bike and catching me when I fell.

Finally, one day it just clicked. I pushed off, pedaled down the sidewalk, and realized I was riding a bike all by myself! No longer did I need my sister's steadying hand. I gained confidence and began riding faster, ringing my bell and cruising all around our neighborhood. I was so proud of myself! My dad rewarded me by getting me a brand new blue bike with hand brakes and colorful tassels hanging from the handlebars.

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I spent that whole vacation riding around with the other neighborhood kids, competing to see who the best rider was. We designed obstacle courses in our driveways, ramping off curbs and dodging cones. When I crashed, I just laughed it off and jumped back on my bike. Falling was no longer scary, but something I accepted as part of biking.

Now as an adult, I can hardly ride a bike though cycling was one of my favorite activities.
These days when I see kids with bicycles I can’t help but remember the good times we had as children.It reminds me of those carefree days as a kid, wobbling down the sidewalk with my sister's hand on my back. I'm so thankful she taught me how to ride a bike all those years ago.

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