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Why am I doing this?

Not only am I asking myself that question when I cycle up a mountain before breakfast, but also when landscapes around me are just to beautiful to grasp or when I am too exhausted to think, when strangers are kind and when I feel lost and alone.

Why am I doing this?

Why am I cycling into the Alps, when I could just chill and enjoy summer anywhere. Instead I am madly excited and scared about cycling up the highest mountain chain of Europe, again. Instead of Beers and Ice Creams at the lake I choose the unsteady weather oft the mountains, buckwheat and cheese for dinner. Instead of my cozy bed and soft duvet I prefer to set up and take down my camp in unsure places every night.


Just before I left this time, I was wondering if I should give this trip a question. Something I wanted to figure out. But then I came to the conclusion, that I rather dedicate this trip to my intuition. Just that, follow my intuition, go through my fears, learn to take decisions fast and definitely. See where I can get myself if I trust my own flow. I want to see what I attract and reflect.

Still that doesn’t explain why it has to be on a bike and through the mountains.

To me, there is something very attractive in this kind of suffering, getting myself and my whole gear on top of the mountain. Going against every part of my body, that tells me to stop, to have a break. To know it has been my own choice to be here. To know that I could have chosen comfort and I didn’t.

No one else to blame.

That’s why I do it. To see how far I can go if I really dedicate myself to one thing. I want to make myself feel and see, that every mountain in life has a top, eventually. That each of these massive volumes of earth look scary when you start climbing and they carry you through all the clouds when you are on top. That it is always my choice wether I want to stay in the valley or cross over to the other side. And that I can get anywhere if I am willing to put the effort.

Why am I doing this?

To make sure I’ll always remember, that each valley is followed by the top of a mountain and to make sure I’ll follow my intuition anywhere at all times, wherever I’ll go in this life.

And the food, of course I do it for the food as well.

Thank you for passing by, enjoy your week and any mountain that might lay in your way!

All photos and words are owned by ©kesityu taken and written by myself.