Cycling towards the sun – the second week of bikepacking through France

Two weeks of cycling through France, so far. Being completely exposed to the weather and environment. Maybe the idea behind this trip was to be uncomfortable. But the idea wasn’t to suffer intentionally.

After a week of wet and cold, we say goodbye to the lovely green landscape of central France and make our way to the train station.

Since we make the rules ourselves, there is nothing wrong with taking a train. And there will be plenty of cycling ahead anyways.

Bring us to the south, no matter where!

From that moment on everything becomes easy, it must have been the right decision.

Sitting in the train it feels good to see the landscape passing by at such high speed, without having to pedal for it. Watching the hills passing by, the clouds, waving goodbye to the sheep. Until later this year, maybe.

Listening to music and observing the movement. It’s like watching a fire burn.

Your eyes and mind calm down.


We get out the train in Avignon. And since there is the Rhone River passing through town, why shouldn’t we decide to follow it? Downwards this time, following the stream, into the sea.

Warm evenings and golden light, the smell of warm tarmac, thyme and rosemary.

Cycling further until the night falls, driven by the warmth and the, for us, sudden change of the weather.

...following the Eurovelo

...stumbling across coffee and croissant

I want to see the sea, that’s what’s keeping me cycling. We follow the River, a Canal and a small version of the Rhone, which I didn’t know existed until now.



They also have headwind in the south, rain and mosquitoes.

Why do I always forget about the mosquitoes? I am struck by complete surprise when the first ones show up, every single time.

No matter what every day there will be at least one moment where I question every part of my existence and one where I feel like it is all completely worth it.

The second week brought us from rain in Vichy to Rosé at the sea, with hours of cycling with and against the wind in between, a train ride and a lot of food.

Thank you all for stopping by, enjoy your week and see you around soon!

All photos and words are mine, taken and written by me.

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