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Ride for fun; Bicycles doesn’t have a speedometer.

As much as I love riding a bicycle, the same way I get a little scared about it. They are easy to ride and kinda lightweight, but when you get in an accident with one, then you will realize how much you have to be careful while riding it.

There is no way you can measure the speed and acceleration of your bicycle digitally, which means there is no speedometer on it. Speedometers in vehicles make it much easier to know how far you have accelerated and how much you have slowed down. Only if a bicycle could have one then it might have been so nice.

All you can do with a bicycle is to measure the speed with your pedal pressure, the faster you pedal, the faster your speed, the lesser the pressure, the lesser your speed.

At times I will just smile when I see some kids put so much pressure on the pedal while riding their bicycles to attain maximum speed. But they aren’t aware that if the bicycle is without a gear on it, there is no way you can adjust the speed.

Bicycles coupled with gear make it easier to ride over hilly lands when the front gear is adjusted to the smallest and the back gear is adjusted to the biggest, with this you won't have to stress yourself more on pedaling to climb on hills.

When you keep pedaling about three times, then it picks up the back wheel once. climbing the hill would be so easy and less stressful.

The last time I tried climbing a hill with a non-gear bicycle, it was like a die-hard mission. I applied all the pressure on the pedal, I will pedal once and expect the back wheel to move twice. So at some point, I have to resort to “standing” 😆. Yet I couldn't ride it to the top, so I dropped and pushed the bicycle.

It might have been so cool to have bicycles with speedometers on them. Maybe there would be less bicycle accidents

There was a time when I started riding a bicycle for the first time, it was a borrowed bicycle from our friend, and then my brother and I took turns on it. At some point, our youngest brother asked to experience how it feels to ride a bicycle. He was just about four years of age then, so I carried him on the front frame where he sat, and placed his legs on the front wheel suspension.

The ride was going smoothly, while I was taking it slow, not until I decided to apply more pressure and the speed got too much that my younger brother failed to balance. His legs hung into the spokes, and immediately the bicycle stopped. My mind was lost.

I dropped from the bicycle quickly and got his legs out of it. Thankfully he wasn’t hurt. He cried a lot and from that moment on I went to return the bicycle to the owner so I could attend to him.

Overspeeding most times doesn’t come with good results, most times you end up in a mess or you make regrets attempting it.

Another time I regretted speeding too much was when I got to ride a BMX bicycle for the first time. It was so sleek. I love the pedals and the handlebar was much more under control.

I hopped on the bicycle and took a ride around the street. I started slow, but at some point, I felt I should ride at full speed to enjoy it more. I forgot I was riding on a sandy road not a tarred one. After a few rides, I got to a spot where the road was so sandy and sinking.

With the full speed I was having, I couldn’t control myself that quick with the weak brakes. I got into the sinking sand and then the wheel sank while the pedal got hooked. I fell off the bicycle and the pedal injured my legs. Though it wasn't that much.

Since that very moment, I have made up my mind not to ride bicycles at full speed anymore. I will also ride slowly and have fun while riding it. I will ride and take a glance at everything around me, even in the market I can ride, and also browse on what to buy since I am not at full speed.

I wonder if a time will come when bicycles will also come with inbuilt speedometers, I can't say of the electric motor bicycles that are so costly to afford.

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