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Take a step towards breaking smartphone addiction !!

Smartphone addiction became more common than the word, I guess. Especially the young generation, they always hold up a phone, neck down and doing stuff on their phone. But it wouldn't be honest to give all the blame on them because we all have more or less this addiction, right?


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one common this is, we never realize and accept that we have this addiction. But if you check your phone before bed, if you feel the urge to check notifications middle of something important, if you compromise with your sleep for it, if it's your bathroom companion; then you have the addiction.

What can be the simplest way to get rid of this?


Believe no app or any tricks will work to get you off from this addiction. It may work temporarily like one week or so but after that, you will probably find yourself the same place with the same addiction.

Self-realization is the biggest help we can do to get rid of this addiction. We all know, how important our relationships are, how much we need social communication, what we need to stay healthy, and how a smartphone is killing all our productivity. But we don't realize it.

This understanding is necessary to break this addiction. Motivate yourself to find alternative entertainment sources, to live a healthy life. Force yourself to not look on the notifications, take action to stop them. Delete the app if necessary. Realize how much time it's taking from you and what you have gained. Maybe then you will truly understand why you need to get back from this.

There's no way to live without a smartphone in this world but it doesn’t mean we have to make it our life. Never make your phone an addiction for you!