Splinterlands General sale


Heya Splinter fellas,

Are you all excited for the biggest sale of splinterlands ever? Yes, I am very much excited and I am all ready for the event. I skipped phase 2 of the sale but now I am ready with my 4million credits and 150 vouchers for the bonus packs.


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As you can see in the above screenshot that only 21 minutes left. And while writing my post I am also listening to splinterlands live stream :P XD. Addiction to this game is on another level. I realised how much I am into this game and how this game affects me when I couldn't play for the end of splinterlands season due to some unknown reason. Yes, I was the only one who couldn't play for end season because my Ip was temporarily blocked by splinterlands due to reloading spam. I was wondering how come I have spammed when I didn't even hit reload because the site was in maintenance. Then Splinterlands cleared that up if i was logged in on the splinterlands site during the maintenance then it automatically try to reload. This caused so much pain and I ended up doing nothing.

Crypto is so unpredictable

The Crypto world is so unpredictable that it can take you high over the sky and also it can kill you with tension. A few days ago when the hive touched 2$ i wanted to purchase my 4 million credits but I didn't purchase and kept my hive in the hive wallet for some stupid airdrop. Now when i purchased my credits it costs me way more than I expected. I just paid 3150 hives for 4 million credits. I lost almost 1k hive because of hive dip and not making purchases at the right time. Anyways it is what it is. Life must go on.

I am going to make 1k packs purchase through my alt account zawarrior. Because zawarrior is a referral account of my main account xawi so I will be getting a referral bonus. I hope the amount I have lost during this waiting period my referral bonus will cover it up :P

Alright only 3 minutes left and I am going to purchase my 1k packs woohoo I am so excited and I am hoping Splinterlands site not gonna be crashed. The life of a splinterlander is full of excitement, stress and joy. I never ever had such kind of excitement in my entire life not even when i took the second position in a board examination 😂.

There ya go




I didn't get any referral bonus yet so I am not sure why the delay or wassup with the bonus. I will wait a bit then i will ask the splinterlands support team. The right time to say goodbye because I am so tempted to open my packs but i won't open them until other airdrops get unlocked. I want to get those airdrop cards in my packs as well. Patience is the key to more success so see ya take care. Those who have purchased packs I wish them a happy opening see you all around take care.


If you want to play splinterlands then SignUp Here


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