So much in the world of Splinterlands

Hi there,
I had to think a lot before writing this post. I felt like my mind had gone numb. I am not eligible to write anymore. I don't know why I felt like it, But that's reality. Today fortunately luck was on my side and I did upset by winning the mee6 giveaway. Maybe all gods of posting wanted me to post something :P XD I was contemplating what to do, Shall I give away my vote to someone else? A big war was going on in my mind between YES and NO. Anyways I put aside my laziness and turned on my laptop again just to write a post. Because I thought my blog, must be seeking my little attention. I realised you get a lot of ideas for posts when you are a regular one. But if you write once in 2 months then it's quite hard to find even a topic hehe.

Lately, a lot of things have been happening in the world of Splinterlands. I managed to max my Riftwathers deck. Today I maxed promo legendary OSHUUR CONSTANTIA. I have been waiting for quite a while for this bitch to come down a bit but she was adamant and left no choice for me so I spent my precious 7500 SPS to buy this card. This card is really very good and I have been facing a lot of trouble renting this card. I thought instead of sweating over renting it let's just do it. I purchased it 29.7$/BCX and it cost me almost 350$.

Now people ask me what game I play when i show them my earnings. But what they don't know is if this game is paying me well then it is sucking my blood slowly :P XD. People only see how money is coming. They don't see how much we spend to survive in the game. Well, It is what it is. I just tell them you guys can't afford this game so I have no energy to tell what game I am playing hehe safe path i always choose lolz.


Season Rewards.

only 2 days left in this season ending and I am going to write about the previous season's rewards hehe. Well, I am mentioning my previous season's rewards because I got lucky and I pulled GFL. Also, I purchased 110 RW packs. I pulled 3 gold foil epic and 1 GFL.




Lux Vega

Next, we all are getting ready for Lux Vega only 3 days left in that event and I am ready with 500k dec and vouchers. yes, you need 1 million dec to purchase a Lux vega because each Lux Vega will cost 1k$. But if you spend vouchers along with decs then you only need 500k DEc. that's a big relief. I almost had a panic attack when i saw i need 1 million dec. I only have 700k atm.



In all splinterlands hassle, we all minted Runis as well and this is what I minted. Tho I am not that happy with my Mint but i have no other choice :P I dont want to mint more. Considering my luck I would end up minting trash again heh.


That's all the doing I have done in the past couple of weeks. See you all around take care. Good night


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