Rule your mind or it will rule you!


To acquire discipline, it is necessary to incorporate various tools to our lives, such as schedules, calendars, agendas or a planner. It does not have to be all at once, nor all the tools necessarily. You can start by designing a schedule adapted to our needs.

For this it is necessary to make a self-analysis, see what are the most productive hours for us, if we are morning, evening or nocturnal people, when we have the best level of energy during the day? That will be the best time to perform those activities that We are head down to do. We have to know what our biological rhythm is and respect it, this is to avoid excesses or exhaustion that could accompany the days of activities that we want to begin. It starts little while the habit is acquired.

Most of the time it is tended to failure to try to implement a regime, for example, study, feeding, or physical exercise, because it is not attended to the individual needs and the characteristics of each person. When we designed a schedule you have to take our personal characteristics into account, and be adapted to our rhythms, let us say at least at the beginning, when you are trying to implement new habits.

Once the habit of complying with a flexible schedule has been implemented and with certain activities, the load of invested hours can be expanded, as well as activities. But at home what you want is simply to establish a routine. Some opinions say that a habit is established in 21 days, others say 60 days, and those who say that in 3 months. The important thing is to deal with one at a time. It is advisable to start with the most important to us, or that requires our greatest attention and focus.

Once a habit has been achieved and established, then it begins with the following. For example we want to start getting up at 5 am. Then when designing our schedule, we focus on this. For that we must lie down a little earlier, to rest from 6 to 8 hours at least. This entails an effort if we are not used to. That is, it will be a new habit and it is in this where we are going to focus. Equal if we want to incorporate an hour or two study daily, or physical exercise. If we incorporate many things at once when seeing that it is a bit difficult we can feel unmotivated and abandon. This is why it is advisable to work with a single habit at a time.

Some suggestions to implement a schedule to our daily routines are:
Consider that the schedule must be personal and intransferable.
It must be flexible.
It must be done after a reflection: Who am I? What are they are my characteristics: strengths, weaknesses?
What are my goals and my priorities in life?

Implementing a schedule in our life will help us acquire a routine to do those things that are important and that because most of the time, many are not contemplated in our daily activities, they end up being neglected, things such as exercising , study, read, perform some tasks, spend a family time, learn something new, rest the adequate time. The most important thing is that it will help us to fulfill our goals and objectives, when disciplined.

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