The Leggy Night

Seems like it is the night of remembrance on my splinterland journey today, it is 2 day after eos already and we still have 15 more days to go and also to the next upgrade day to the whole game in general, most times while playing my game, I try to gather enough chest before trying to open them, most times I have to rent more staked sps so as to increase my rp which is really important because without enough staked sps, winning a battle will be useless because the rp given is way low beyond normal and to me it is just a waste of energy because energy is now gold. I think I got remembered today while claiming my daily reward chest which I decided not to open since it is at diamond level while keep accumulating my points.

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I got 2x Ferexian Hero which is one of the fire element soul bound cards, currently I'm curious waiting to know the worth of this soul bound cards once they are up to trade in market, we just keep gathering them for now and I hope they worth a lot especially the gold foil leggy part which almost everyone is trying to lay their hands on, moreover not everyone have most of this soul bound in their collection yet so they will be willing to grab them when they are up for trade.

Currently my focus is to get some gold foil gladiator leggy which I hope to burn to dec before they change it to merit as proposed, I hope we will be able to select maybe dec or merit though, currently we are at the max level of the shop section, we just hope the max button will be clicked as soon as possible so the members can be able to purchase both blood stones and power stones from the guild shop to get more chance to grab leggy and gf cards when ever they open gladiaus packs.

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I just decide to grab 3 pack with the merits I have accumulated so far and open them with the remaining blood stones I have left since I'm kinda bored, and boom I got that shaky pack feelings when I placed my mouse arrow on it and I got both tatiana Blayde and fina voxom which is now the latest card in my collection but I wish they are Gf though so I can have that jumping feeling. Finally at the point of getting those gladiator cards to some good level so I can start using them in my rank battles but until then I need to keep gathering the merits.

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