denys nevozhai

I have always thought of myself as someone who keeps to myself, but I recently discovered something about me that made me rethink that aspect I made myself believe about me. As life would have it I have looked at myself as one who doesn't like trouble or I would want to keep to myself about my personal matters.

I discovered I am not one who keeps to herself, and I figured out the reason why I can't keep things that bothers me to myself, the reason is that I want to be heard, I want others to see me for who I am and not who I tell them I am.

There is this girl I know from somewhere who has always been one who was very outspoken, she graduated from university last year in December, and after a while, I didn't see her around anymore, though I would chat with her on her WhatsApp to ask her how she was, and she would reply me so well until she made a mistake of posting her picture on her status which she has not for over a year now after I saw her picture I knew immediately something was up, and she has been hiding the fact that she fell pregnant in school, cause her mum was an influential woman in the community. and I sent her image to a friend who also knew who also confirmed that something was up with her, I tried to make her tell me if she really was okay but she closed up her heart.

This brings me to my saying I don't keep things to myself, so it doesn't bother me, unfortunately for her, she wasn't lucky enough to continue hiding cause many have already found out about her because of how pale she looks, so I wonder why she had to hide herself that much until she looked so sick after the birth of the baby.

This brings me to my main conclusion, I don't think she should have kept all the matter to herself because I know she would have had a lot of struggles with the condition, cause I have been there and I know being pregnant is not an easy thing, cause babies to consume a lot of energy and also they are tasking because you have to give them a lot of attention, and also one needs help during this period, just so that, you as a woman can have enough rest during and after the period.

I like myself cause I don't let things bother need, and I don't keep things to myself, instead, I make myself known so as to get the help in might need during the period, and I wouldn't be tired at every moment, there are many who fall under this category but can't find themselves out, so they take up a lot of burdens on their shoulders which I turn weighs them down heavily

Being a carefree person at times solved some difficult situations a person might be in. despite what people might say about us be it good or bad, one should do things that would be comfortable for him or her.

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