The book I never lent: An apology to my childhood best friend

I’ll tell you a little story about an incident that happened when I was an elementary school pupil, and I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to a schoolmate who used to be my best friend back then.

It all happened when our teacher asked us to complete a homework assignment and write a short composition based on some research that we would do on books that we could find on the subject.

Fortunately for me, my father had already made sure to buy a few reference books, such as an encyclopedia and a dictionary, for me from a very young age, and he had actually turned a corner of our house into a small library.

Therefore, I had access to all the information that was required, in order to write the composition.

I told my friend that my father had bought an encyclopedia, and I would use it to search for information.

My friend wasn’t as lucky as I was, and his parents didn’t really care about buying him any books, so he looked sad and desperate, and he didn’t know how he could complete the homework assignment.

So I told him not to worry about it, because I would use my books to find any information that I needed to write the assignment, and as soon as I did that, I would lend him any books he wanted to help him write his own assignment.

My little friend was literally over the moon, because he found a way to do his homework completely out of the blue, and I was also happy, because I would help a good friend.

After I finished my homework, I told him to come to my place to lend him the books.

When he came, I went to my library, and took the books out to give them to him.

However, when my grandfather saw what I was about to do, he went mad at me, and shouted at me to never lend any books to anyone, because they would never give those books back to me.

I was taken aback and a bit scared by my grandfather’s behavior, so I went out and told my friend that I couldn’t lend him my books, because my grandfather wouldn’t let me do so.

Both my best mate and I were sad, and he slowly went away without saying anything.

My best childhood friend, I am really sorry about what happened, and if there was any way to turn the clock back, I would like to be able to lend you as many books as you wanted, not caring whether you would ever return them to me, or not.

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