Hello everyone. I'm @surrealfia and I'm a newbie. I joined on 27th October, which also happened to be my birthday. Hive happens to be a large portal and a lot of people are writing daily. A lot of new ones are joining every day. As a newbie I have faced I'm almost always "backbencher" and don't really get noticed. Sometimes I try to communicate with people by commenting. sometimes I get a reply, sometimes I don't and it sometimes backfires, but not always.


So this happened a few days ago when I was going through post on my feed and thinking which posts to comment on, and I stumbled upon The Newbie Initiative post by @starstrings01. It immediately caught my attention, not because I thought of it as a great opportunity for myself but for a lot of backbenchers like me. Bless his soul for such an initiative for us. When I joined, I also saw that @tripode is also involved who made each of us individual cards. Thank you so much @tripode. I will never forget how much care and support you have shown, even before this initiative started. Thank you once again.

So what is this newbie's initiative? It's to help the newbies. For more details, you can check out NEWBIES PARTICIPATION POST - DECEMBER 2020 ENG-ESP and also NEWBIES INITIATIVE

Why did I join the Newbies initiative?


The basic requirement for this initiative was to help out the newbies who have a reputation lesser than 60 and HP lower than 500. At the moment I have 74.197 HIVE Power and the estimated value is $9.87. It's not because I joined in this initiative because I wanted to earn more. Yes, I want to earn more here but also I would like to be a part of this initiative as a helper. And, I can't thank enough all those who are a part of this initiative. At first, I was a little overthinking that should I join or not, but then after contacting them I realized that I can.

This initiative is mostly inspiration and motivation for me. Although I can barely make a post every day, I try to do it often. And I'll continue to do so as often as possible. One of the reasons I get discouraged is because I am absolutely new in this blockchain world and often times I doubt myself thinking if I'm making quality content. Well, not everyone is born a great writer and I know someday if I continue writing even I'll amaze myself, at least that's what I'm aiming for.

Yes, we are end of my post here. And I know I have thanked you two before but I'll do it just one last time. Thank you so much @starstrings01 and @tripode for all that you are doing.


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