6 More Years Of Normal Life Remains

This year guys i have wrote a lot of posts about the climate changes and the truly weird phenomena that we are witnessing and some days ago i read an article about a scientist named Dr. William J. Ripple and a publication he made about the environment and how we have only 6 years of a normal life and that we have reached that point if no return about the climate change and that made read his thesis that is now signed by 15.000 other researchers and academics.

We're in serious trouble with our climate!Imagine it as a fire alarm going off, and everyone needs to pay attention.

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Dr. Ripple is telling us that our planet is facing a huge problem. It's like when you see severe storms, rising sea levels, and all sorts of strange weather events on the news. Those things are linked to climate change, and they're getting worse. Dr. Ripple is saying that we can't just ignore these problems.we have to do something about them right now.

One of the key ideas in his message is the need for a global warning system. Think of it like a weather app for the whole world. This system would help us keep an eye on the climate and tell us when things are getting dangerous. It's a bit like having a smoke detector in your house. When it detects smoke, it warns you so you can act quickly to stay safe. Similarly, the global warning system would give us early warnings about climate issues so that countries and communities can work together to protect themselves.

Dr. Ripple also emphasizes that we can't tackle this climate emergency alone. It's not like dealing with a personal problem. It's more like a neighborhood issue. If one house catches fire, it can spread to others. So, we all need to work together, like neighbors helping each other out during a crisis. This global teamwork involves countries, groups, and people cooperating to solve the climate problem.

We can't just wait and hope the problem goes away. It's like a leaky roof in your house. If you don't fix it, the damage inside your home keeps getting worse. The climate crisis is our "leaky roof," and we need to take action to stop it from getting worse. This means doing things like using clean energy, saving nature, and making our lives more sustainable.

In a nutshell, Dr. Ripple's message is a wake-up call for everyone, not just scientists. He's saying that we have a climate emergency on our hands, and we need to pay attention. And we can't do it alone – we have to work together and take steps to fix the problems. It's not just for our sake.it's for the future of our world and the generations to come.
Great work by him but i believe that nothing will be done eventually because we don’t know how to see 100 years ahead of our time we think that it’s fine let the future generations handle the environment until we run out of time witch it seems happened.

In Greece we have 35 degrees in Crete with wildfires burning in November and flooding in the other half of the country in trading terms this is a bullish divergence!

So let’s have fun and try to do our bests


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