If I Have A Day To Be Me(The Traveler)

Everyday has its wishes, but among so many, one important wish is to have a day where we can do everything we've always wanted. I'm a person who likes to travel and explore new realities. I've always wanted to travel around the world and experience new cultures, new inventions, new realities, and new environments. But most often we're restricted by financial constraints and opportunities to explore this desire. But if these constraints were to be removed and I have nothing to worry about, then this is what I would have done.

Travel Around the world

A day is too small to travel round the world, so I'll travel to Japan or China to explore everything around their culture. How they eat with two sticks, their worship, their mode of dressing, and probably learn how to speak in their language. I may not learn everything but I'll be able to have a good grasp of their culture. It's been a long time since I've traveled and most often I wish I can experience a new environment. Travelers are great learners and I want to learn enough while i still have the strength to travel around

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Go to a cinema

I have had friends tell me about wonderful experiences in a Cinema. An evening in a dark room with just the perfect movie and relaxation. Probably popcorn or ice cream, as you watch your desired movie on a larger screen. I've always dreamt and fantasized about it , but I've not gotten a chance to experience this beauty on my own. Cinema offers true opportunities, an opportunity to stay away from work and have a good form of relaxation, and an avenue to have a little fun outside of our usual routines. Experience the beauty of a cinema would be an experience worthwhile and would be glad to know I've tried something new.

My major wishes and desires revolve around having a travel tour to learn of a new culture or going out to have a good moment outside of the busyness of work.

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