Minetest Combat : Arena by Mr. D

City of Neoxian server in Minetest is getting popular day by day and that is all because of Mr. D, he give a good time in Minetest in creating quests, puzzles and giveaways for the citizens. Making things interesting and adding new Mods to make things more exciting. Many people joined city just to play Minetest and it is a good sign. Most of them are Pro however, there were players who improved and learnt a lot from Pro players and one of them is myself. There are many things which I still don’t know or have no idea but watching those Pro players make things easy and we help each other to get better and better.




Couple of days ago, I was lucky to log in Minetest at the correct time, Mr. D was busy in creating a battle field, a platform for PvP combats/fights. It was amazing to see the creativity of Mr. D and it was not the first time. He usually do and make such things for us, the minetesters, and he provides us the opportunity to play and win the giveaways. There was something cooking up in his mind. A well designed battle arena was there in no time.



I was there to have some practice session with Xabi bhayya, B0s and abu78. We had a fight with wooden swords. I had a fight with Mr. D as well and got kicked out LOL. It was too much fun and we really enjoyed our time in there.



Next day, on 7th March, we had our first official Minetest arena battle giveaway by Mr. D. Two players Xabi bhayya and Vickoly were selected by bounty bot for the fight. We had some audience/spectators. Arena, the battle field, can be reached through Travelnet Box installed at various places by Pravesh.





It was best of three, first round was without Armors. Vickoly was having diamond sword whereas Xabi bhayya had a powerful magical Nether sword. Countdown begins and Mr. D said GO GO GO!!! Fight begins and within couple of minutes Vickoly was turned into bones by Xabi bhayya. Vickoly was flying in air with one punch of that Nether sword of XB. It was enhanced sword with some magic in it. XB was looking too strong with that sword in his hand.



Round 2 begins but this time Mr. D asked to put back on the Armors.



Vickoly was with some strategy this time, trying to get back and protect himself from that powerful sword’s stroke.



It took a little time but in the end, once again XB won the match by turning Vickoly into bones.


It was 2-0 and XB won the battle. Hence, won the giveaway and a DOOT. Everyone congratulated him and hard luck for Vickoly who may have learnt new things in Minetest.




Today, once again Mr. D announced Minetest combat! Battle for the DOOT in the arena. Best out of three. But it was not the same as yesterday. Rules were set, not to use your own equipment, but will be provided with steel equipment, sword, chestplate and shield which were put in a chest on both the ends of the Arena.





WOW once again, XB and Vickoly, the lucky two were picked up by Bounty Bot to battle for the Doot. Both are even with the equipments provided. Competition looks tough and interesting. Fight begins, Vickoly tried hard but XB got him in the first round and it was one up for XB.







Second round begins and Vickoly gave a tough time to XB, moving here and there and not giving any chance to XB for the good strokes. Finally, Vickoly won the round by putting XB down and it was 1-1.





Game gets interesting as we were in the final round to see the winner. Mr. D said GO GO and the fight begins. WOW it was looking good for Vickoly as he gets couple of good strokes but suddenly XB got all over him and turned him into bones with his awesome tactics and fighting skills. XB won the battle with 2-1 and also won the DOOT from Mr. D.

It was too much fun and Mr. D also said that it was fun watching them fighting and using tactics, skills. I am sure Vickoly gets better than yesterday but didn’t managed to win the battle. Never mind, better luck next time. XB unbeatable at the moment. I would love to see Pravesh vs XB, it would be hard to predict the winner as both of them have too much of skills and tactics in Minetest.

After all these battles, Valchiz had some practice sessions with me, I really enjoyed the time battling with wooden swords, eating bread to fuel up and turning him into bones. I hope he learnt some skills to fight if he gets the opportunity for a Doot. Well, that’s all for today and will get back with some other interesting screenshots from Arena or maybe some other quests or puzzles.

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