Breaking out of Self-Pity

Hello everyone,
Glad to be here

Most often we are bound to act, or react based on what is in our hearts, sometimes act unconsciously, it's not bad to have a sober reflection of our negative past only with the aim to improve and work harder to effect a change, but it becomes a problem when we make it a regular attitude rather than for a change, continuous reflection of negative events or past brings continuous sadness, guilt, uncertainty, confusion etc, and when all these is birthed in our heart, It brings regrets and self pity. Focusing on our difficulties take away our ability to see the good things still happening around us. Self-pity drains our energy and pulls us down into the spiral of negativity and despair.


Self pity is said to be a feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and unfairness about our life circumstances. It’s an emotional state that usually involves dwelling on past hardships or present difficulties and feeling sorry for ourselves, a negative emotion recognized by hopelessness, sadness, and a sense of injustice about our life circumstances. It is normal to feel sad or upset about life's challenges, but self-pity becomes problematic when it becomes a persistent pattern of thinking that interferes with our ability to live a fulfilling life. When we are stuck with self pity we cannot grow. Self-pity stops emotional growth and healing, It thwarts acceptance and moving forward into new possibilities and acceptance. Acceptance doesn't mean that something wasn’t hurtful but it’s merely an acceptance that it happened, that it was painful. However, there are still ways to move forward and embrace life in a new life-giving dimension. Self-pity is the killer of Joy, hope and happiness, focusing on the hurt and pain has blinded our eyes from seeing what good still exist for us.

Self-pity might lead to a vicious cycle of negative thinking and behavior. When we are in a state of self-pity, we feel like giving up on our goals and dreams and aspirations we start neglecting our responsibilities and with this it result in feelings of guilt and shame, which only exacerbate the cycle of self-pity. Also, self-pity leads to feelings of isolation and loneliness, negatively impacting our mental and emotional well-being.

Self pity also leads to negative thinking and behavior, feelings of guilt and shame, and feelings of isolation and loneliness. However, with the proper steps, we could break the cycle of self-pity and start regaining control of our life. It also provides some tips and strategies which will help us overcome self-pity and begin living a more fulfilling life.

Constantly remembering the negative events of the past limits our ability of productiveness. For us to break out from self pity we have to be uncomfortable with the situation, desire a change, seek for help and then work towards actualizing the change so desired.
For us to break out of self-pity, we need to recognize our feelings, by taking notes of when we are feeling sorry for ourselves, also pinpointing our emotions and where they come from, with this it makes it easier to be kind to ourselves always.

Thank you for reading ♥️

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